Valentine's Day

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Yeah.. I know it's too late but sorry for it...

Rithick was driving the car towards their date but with big pout on his lips and furrowed eyebrows. Beside him hanu was trying to stop laughing looking at his face. Behind them Anand, nandhu, saketh and bhavya were sitting on back seats enjoying the music from the radio.

Apparently when rithick asked permission from lakshmi she only agreed she will send only if nandhu accompain them. Taking the cue anand joined them, seeing two couples going out. Vani send saketh and bhavya with them. With all of this rithick became frustrated and sad. Being love puppy he couldn't help but grumbled himself in low tone.

"Where we going, bro?" Anand asked looking that they reached outskirts of city.

"To your lovely date.. Just wait patiently if not, I will leave you in middle of the road." rithick grumbled again.

"Why are you so grumpy in the morning? Today is valentine's day means it's about love! You should feel love and be happy not like grumpy grandpa! See.. Your fiancee is beside you... You should feel love around you.." Anand said making grumpy rithick into angry rithick.

"Don't dare to say any word or I will kick you out of my car right now !" rithick threatened making anand made zip is mouth motion.

"Anand just sit silently and rithick baba calm down.. concertrate on driving than listening him." hanu said rubbing his arm slowly to which he silently went back to his cute pouty face.

After driving some more time they were stopped infront of amusement park famous in Hyd 'Wonderla'

"Yeah.. I'm finally going to amusement park.." hanu cheered looking outside the window to which finally a big smile adored on rithick face seeing her excitement.

"Aww.. Rithick bava is so sweet! Hanu was saying she want to go amusement park from the time she came to Hyd and he plan a dayout here for her. See, anand learn something from him!" nandhu said beating anand arm.

Soon they stopped in parking area, they took their backpacks contains there dresses cause rithick said them to pack a pair of clothes. All took there bags and started walking but hanu standed there till rithick locked his car. Seeing her bright smile  he raised an eyebrow "Why are you flashing me that smile?" he asked.

"Because I'm happy.. Thank you!" she looked around before kissing his cheek and runned behind the group.

Rithick smiled touching his cheek jogged to catch up with group. When he reached he started walking beside hanu wrapping his hand around her shoulder possessively.

Chateerji boys and their PDA 🙄🙄

They reached at the entrance, waited for rithick who went to get entry tickets. Soon after five minutes rithick came with six bands and a map of park with him. They keep their bags in lockers before moving out towards the park.

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