Chapter 18- hurricane

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His hair lay like a second skin on his forehead. Axel's legs felt empty and there was a rising feeling of nausea from his stomach as he could no longer push up. Concentrating on getting better at something as simple as exercise proved to be a good distraction. Taking a deep breath, he rolled onto his back and stared at thin white lines that marked the trap door.

"I hate you," he shouted at the ceiling. "I hate you."

He didn't know what else to say but the need for revenge was like an abscess on the folds of his soul which could only be cured by the blade of a titanium knife. Festering like an infection, Axel knew the only way the feeling would go away or even a single ounce of him would stop being bound with fury was cold, hard vengeance. The anger that pulsed through his veins was its own living, breathing thing.

Something savage. Something spiteful. Something severe.

"Saveth your ang'r f'r at which hour you'll needeth it the most. Didst I teach you nothing?"

Once he was able to regain balance on his shaky legs, Axel stormed towards it. The air was so tense it felt like it was filled with invisible chunks of ice that never seemed to melt. Axel looked ready to peel the skin of its very face until its face was just a bloody mass of muscle, tendons and veins. "You're a murderer, not a teacher. You're in no place to teach me. How the hell do you think you are? You a part of a machine- this wicked game. You're not human. You're just a copy of me. You're an evil spirit wearing my shell. You're a fucking monster that thinks this is a stupid game. Yeah, this thing which is causing my friends to die. Shut up and jump yourself."

Each word throbbed in the air for minutes after it passed through his lips.

A glint of malevolence in his dark eyes, Seven slowly sat up never taking his gaze of Axel. "I did not speaketh."

"Well yeah, but your face did." As Axel pushed his face closer, he found that he had stopped shivering.

"Either you are brave or much have no more brain than a stone."

"It's not my fault that there's a flipping dead body in here because of you and it's not my fault you scare everybody witless. That's your own. You don't get it, do you? We hate you and the only reason we haven't seriously maimed, killed or thrown you off is that we can use you? You know a whole lot more than you show."

"Is yond the best Trent you can cometh up with? A game? Trent wast clos'r. Aye, I can heareth ev'rything you sayeth. I knoweth you has a gun." Swallowing, Axel stepped back. There was no point in lying. It seemed to know everything. "I can heareth thy hearts skipped a beat or quicken at which time you do not speak the truth. I couldst hear Haven was about to killeth himself from the rate of his heartbeat and the soundeth of his breathing and the droplets of his sweat hitting the ground."

"You're lying," but when he met Seven's eyes it was only filled with the truth. Trembling, Axel averted its gaze from it. "I don't believe you. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"You wouldn't believeth me. You trusteth not me."

And Axel knew it was right. It was hard to say why the words stung so much. There was a dull vibration in his skull which was maddening.

"So, can you help us?"

"Often, I look at you and see mine own broth'r, mine own half and other times I see you and I see a monst'r who is so low on love thee run on gasoline. But each timeth I see someone I wanteth to help. But first I'm going to bid you about what we are."

It saw the shock register on Axel's face before he could hide it. A small smirk played on its lips. For a brief second, the darkness suspended and the surprise shattered his features.

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