chapter 31- the beginning

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He collapsed in the smoldering ash, blood dripping down the side of his forehead. As he lay, the ash that suffocated black rain, drenched him like a cold blanket trying to smother him. He didn't know where he was but he was ready.

As he reached the bottom, he knew no-one was going to save him; no knight in shining armor or Prince Charming like in those fairytales children of his time lived in and sought hope in. So, he closed her eyes and forgot about the world. The world that ruined Axel forever. Heroes have the darkest souls and even they can accept their failure after making sacrifices that would change everything.

He accepted death. He was finally ready.

But death? Death kicked him, trying desperately to get him to stand. Literally. "Get up. We've got work to do."

"What the bloody hell are you? Death?

He was naked save the rag that was tied around his waist. He was so past the point of caring it didn't matter to him. Peace. Where was it?

"No, you dipshit. What have you been snorting? I am subject number Eleven."

Axel glared at her with hostile eyes of glass.


"Eleven, you idiot but my name is Braedon. I am not a traitor to my night blood."

"Where the hell am I? I'm supposed to be..."

"Dead? A Phoenix, the creature that is reborn from its ash, dead? A creature that lives for thousands of years, dead? A creature that exists one at a time? Clearly, you have no capacity of how extraordinary you are. As for where you are... You must tell us where your friends are first and how the hell they managed to escape."

"What do you mean? They were here..."

"Plastic people who flash fake smiles at the word. They say abandonment is a wound that Will never heal."

"They didn't leave me. They're my friends," said Axel fiercely but his body hung limp.

"He's telling the truth. He does not know," said someone in a different language.

"Well, we have taken half a million images of his face and are able to make the blueprint for abandonment."

"Liar. You said it was near impossible. That the anger they had would drive them apart."

"Near. But we played with fire," said he in English, "this is subject number thirteen. Brand him with his name and we shall begin with the ropes. Perhaps little less air in the lungs Will squeeze out the location of his lost flock."

Betrayal darkens hearts. And the worst part was Axel had actually trusted it. His life was not over and for the first time, he realised it to be important. Why? Although he didn't have the energy to start over, he wished he could bury Seven with a smile.

He'd never fallen from this kind of height.

In that moment, Axel no longer existed. Black words scorched his cheek that said, you have no idea how worthless you make me feel.

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