You Are Not Tony Stark

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Chapter summary:

"I know you don't want to be there, but you don't have much choice. The plane will be ready in two hours," Pepper said.

"Nah, it's okay. Today's not Peter's day anyway, the Hong Kong meeting can't be postponed, you're right."

Or, Tony will fly to China for a meeting on the day Peter is due to be in the Tower for his lab day.


"Thank you, Friday," Peter said as he stepped out of the elevator into the penthouse. He couldn't wait to see what they would do with Mr. Stark today. Besides, May had a night shift and tomorrow was Saturday, so he didn't have to rush back home.

"Tony, I swear to God, if you didn't take the plane-" said a woman's voice, and then Pepper freaking Potts stood right in front of him. "Oh, you're not Tony."

"Well, you're definitely not Tony Stark," Peter said, trying to keep calm. He just talked to Pepper freaking Potts!

"I believe I am not. And you must be Peter, am I right?" she asked with a small smile, and Peter could die right now. Pepper Potts knew who he was.

"That wou-ld be m-e. Nice to meet y-ou, Miss Pot-ts," he said shakily, holding out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you. Didn't you think it was about time?" she said with a smile and shook his hand. "Oh, and please call me Pepper."

"Oh, as you wish, Mis- I mean, Pepper." Holy crap, he was on the first-name basis with Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries.

"So, what are you doing here?" she asked slightly confused, and Peter remembered that she had said something about the plane.

"Well, I should have had a lab day with Mr. Stark, but I guess he's not here today," he explained, and Pepper frowned slightly.

"He had to go to China, but he said you shouldn't have come today. Are you sure your lab day is today?"

"One hundred percent. You see, I wasn't here last Friday, so it's definitely my lab day today," he said, and Pepper remembered that she and Tony had gone to Malibu last Friday, so Peter couldn't be here.

"I'm so sorry, Peter, but Tony won't be back until tomorrow night. He wouldn't leave if he wasn't sure you weren't coming tonight."

"Nah, that's all right. I know he's in charge of the more important things. I'll just come back in two weeks. However, I'm glad to meet you. You're amazing, you know that?" he said, and in the last sentence his face flushed. He certainly did not want to say it out loud.

"It's said about me," she laughed. "You know, I'm not Tony, but while you're here, you could stay. My dear fiancé never introduced us and keeps you all to himself. I just have to listen to him forever talking about you, so how about we spend some time together?" she suggested. Peter opened his mouth but immediately closed it again. Did she really suggest that he will stay with her here? And does Mr. Stark really talk about him with his fiancee?

"I don't want to bother you, Miss Potts," he murmured, correcting himself as she gave him one of her sterns looks. "I mean, Pepper."

"No problem. Could you keep me company while I'm here alone? Maybe we could make a sleepover, what do you think? I think Tony would fly out of his skin," she smirked, and Peter laughed. He always admired Pepper for what she did, but she always looked pretty serious. He didn't know she was the same as Tony.

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