When Your Husband And Son Are Superheroes... 3/3

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Sometime after Tony returned from space

Tony stood outside in the rain. He didn't care that he was wet to the bone. He had a difficult task ahead of him, and somehow he couldn't make it out loud. He screwed up. He promised. And he didn't keep it.

"I'm so sorry!" he sniffed. "There was nothing I could do, May. I wasn't even there. I sent him home to be safe. To be with Pepper. And I came back from space just to know he's gone. I couldn't protect him. I promised you I'd do everything to make him happy. To protect him. And now he's gone. I'm so ashamed. I want to make a new promise here. I hope you give me another chance. I'll get him back. Whatever it takes. Are you listening, May? I'll bring our boy back at all costs. And then I'll make sure it never happens again. He will live a beautiful and long life," he said, putting the white lilies on the floor beside the tombstone.

Then he went home. He had a lot of work to do.


Pepper moved nervously from one end of the living room to the other. In doing so, she did not forget to check every few seconds the clock that was hanging on the wall. The last few days had been hell for her.

The next day, after they and Peter talked about Venice, he called and told them that Nick Fury had kidnapped his vacation. He says he is taking him to Prague! Pepper was extremely furious and had a pretty long phone call with Nick Fury and then with Peter too. In the end, it ended up that Peter fought again in Prague. Tony was already preparing a suit that he was going to fight, but Fury told him that he wouldn't make it in time.

Pepper could live with this. Soon it was over and Peter wasn't hurt. Mysterio did a lot of work again. Soon, however, Peter called that he had lost Edith. Tony was upset with Peter and Pepper was upset with her husband. She told him not to give him those glasses!

Then their paths split for a moment. Friday was finally able to recognize the face in the photo. It was Dr. Ludwig Rinehart. He was employed by Stark Industries. Then he had specialized in developing his own holographic technologies. He worked on the Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, or B.A.R.F. Tony said he released him because he wasn't stable. In other words, the guy was a madman. They immediately tried to connect with Peter, but they failed.

Meanwhile, Peter figured out that everything had been an illusion created by Beck. He went to Berlin to see Fury, but there he was unpleasantly surprised.

"You took Edith from me! It doesn't belong to you!"

"You're so wrong, kid."

Then it was really psycho. Peter didn't know what was true and what wasn't. He was done. He was so done. In a moment like this, he wished he was a normal kid. To have a normal family.

"Parker! Who did you tell?" Fury asked again. And Peter relieved. Fury will take care of it. So he told him.

"Just MJ and Ned, who perhaps said it to Betty."

"You're so trusting," Fury said, and Peter frowned. No, no, no. Not again. Beck stood in front of him and another thing Peter knew was that he was hit by a train.

When Pepper found out, she felt as if she were back the moment her son turned into dust. Her child was hit by a train. Her child was hit by a train. Her child was hit by a train. It was the only thing that ran through her head.

"Stay where you are, we're on the plane immediately," Tony blurted, finally getting Pepper out of her thoughts.

"No need. We're on our way to London. We had a conversation and made it clear. Peter knew I was sitting around, so he called me."

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