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"Please, don't hurt me, take my child instead..." A haggard, miserable woman begged a menacing, shadowy figure by the light of the lamp.

There was a small, brown-haired figure held in her arms; a tiny child.

The shadow's deep, sullen eyes widened.

Even though she had become a monster, she had only turned a few nights before. She was similarly a new mother, and had tragically lost her child to a demon.


The demon cold-bloodedly and ruthlessly murdered everybody in sight, and as it plunged it's nails into a man's chest, there was a creak as somebody opened the door.

The person at the door was the soon-to-be demoness.

She dropped to her knees in shock, as her brutally murdered family was right in front of her eyes.

The murderer took a glance at her, and grinned, walking towards her.

The next thing she knew, her vision went red for blood, and she crawled towards the nearest carcass, ripping it apart and devouring it.

After eating all of her loved ones, she still wasn't satisfied and went to the house next to theirs.

*flashback end*

Even though she turned, she still had the maternal feelings of a new mother, and witnessing this sight snapped something inside of her.

Her motherly senses overtook her demonic ones, and she seethed in rage, as the wretched woman in front of her shivered in fear.

She growled and tore the baby from the mother's outstretched arms, and for a moment the woman relaxed, thinking she was safe.

(say sike right now)

She thought wrong.

The demoness raised her hand, her sharpened nails reflecting the light of the oil lamp.

As the lamp flickered, there was a sickening squelch as the shadow of the demoness's nails plunged into the woman's chest, blood fanning against the paper-thin shōji.

The demoness slowly pulled out her hand, dripping crimson.

She took one look at the poor, fragile child she was holding.

It was so pure and innocent, yet it was raised by this tainted woman.

Just for a moment, the tiniest moment, this demoness's eyes softened.

However, her demon instincts were slowly returning.

Desperate to save this wretched child, she grabbed the yarn basket by the late mother and tenderly placed the baby inside, surrounded by a royal blue scarf, embroidered with the name 'Shiratori'.

She sprinted towards the river by the house, and placed her in the cool, blue, flowing water.

As the infant gently rocked down the river, it glanced at the being that saved it's life.

Beautiful, golden eyes was all it saw before it drifted beyond the horizon, towards a new life.

(This is my first story~ if there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

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