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4 years have passed, and both children are now 5.

After interacting with each other every day, they have developed this sort of bond where they don't need to talk; they only grunt and laugh to communicate.

The girl and the boy have discovered a house nearby, but they don't know who resides in there.

Today, they have set their minds on exploring.

The mother boar has sadly departed from this world, and they found another (presumably father) boar body not far away.

Inosuke skinned the mother boar's head and took the mask, and gave the father? boar's mask to Inoka so they could match. They look a bit wild.

(see picture above; don't mind the torchic, and the girl's outfit is a bit more furry and she's younger and a bit cleaner, and wearing a boar mask.)

They crossed the yard after exiting the lush forest, and an old man appeared.

He offered them a few snacks, which the boy first tentatively took.

After taking a small bite, he gasped with delight and gobbled it up.

After seeing her friend eat it happily, she looked at the old man. He smiled and offered her one too.

She snatched it out of his hands, and similarly gobbled it up.

The two boar children looked at each other, and giggled.

'It was a good choice to come here,' the giggles signified.

However, as the two reached for another snack, there was a scream.


The boar children grabbed the snack anyways and started munching on it.

However, the young man started to beat them with a stick.

The boar children ran and jumped on top of each other, or under their legs as they attempted to dodge the pursuer who was giving chase.

The kind grandpa watched happily as the man chased the two boars around the yard.

After around 10 minutes of this relentless, non-stop game of tag, Takaharu was utterly exhausted. Even though he was a hard, physical worker, he couldn't even beat these little boars in a game of tag.

'These boars are special; they ran around on two legs and giggled. They also have human-like bodies... Human like bodies?'

The man came to a realization; he was so stupid.

These weren't boars; these were children!

Not just any children; wild children.

Not just any children; wild children

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He tried to separate Wild Child #1 from Wild Child #2, but it proved to be a fruitless task as they had frighteningly strong cooperation skills and they appeared to talk and communicate in another language

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He tried to separate Wild Child #1 from Wild Child #2, but it proved to be a fruitless task as they had frighteningly strong cooperation skills and they appeared to talk and communicate in another language.

However, while these children were strong, he knew the layout of the yard like the back of his hand, after living here all these years.

He chased them into the pagoda, and they ran into a corner to hide.

He had them cornered.

He reached out with his hands, grabbed the masks, and ripped them off.

(If there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

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(If there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

Pretty - 鬼滅の刃 - 嘴平 伊之助 x OC (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now