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Inoka had her wounds checked out by the local doctor in the village, and she was bandaged up.

However, since the wound had gone right through her shoulder, it had to be stitched and bandaged.

She had her chest and shoulder wrapped with bandage since she couldn't wear the uniform properly over the layers of bandages.

She decided she liked this feeling; she could sense the air particles vibrating more clearer than when they had to go through her uniform to get to her.

Is this what Inosuke felt like? Freedom.

She asked for a few more rolls of bandage to wrap herself up, with some spare for the future.

After getting bandaged up, Inosuke yelled at her to go eat udon with him.

The next day, they had received their swords; upon the shock of the blacksmiths seeing they already had swords, and what terrible condition they were in, were wary of the damage the new swords would recieve.

Inoka and Inosuke, unsurprisingly, both had indigo-blue sword colours, as they use the same breath style and grew up together.

They had ditched their old, chipped swords, as they both requested for 2 new swords; they could only use Breath of the Beast with 2 swords; it couldn't be used with just one.

After receiving their swords, they received a mission from the baby crow telling them to head to a drum house.

5 hours later, Inoka was spent.

"Hey crow, how long until we get there? We've been walking for hours, and I feel like my legs are going to collapse soon."

Inoka and Inosuke had been trudging through a dense forest for a couple hours now, after being alerted by their crow of a demon lurking in another abandoned house.

What is it with demons and abandoned houses?

"You're almost there! A few more minutes! You're almost there! A-"

"Shut UP!" Inoka and Inosuke yelled at the same time.

The baby crow, with a thick skull, was undeterred.

"-few more minutes!" It finished its sentence.

The air was slowly starting to get prickly; signs of a demon inhabitant.

"Hey, Inosuke, doesn't this air feel more prickly than the previous places we've been to? It's almost as bad as the Final Selection mountain's air."

"Yeah, but it's not a match for me, the great Hashibira Inosuke!" He cheered.


They soon arrived at the house in the woods. It was very large, made of wood with panneled, slightly faded boards on the side. The roof was tiled, and decorated.

"Woah, this is a nice house. Too bad it feels like demon everywhere, and it's ruined. It also feels like pain, and death." Inoka shivered.

"I can feel the demon already! Let's go Inoka!" Inosuke charged in, in full boar gear.

Inoka followed in suit, wearing the same outfit except with bandages on her chest to hide her feminine areas.

After they charged in, they were met with a bland hallway, and they entered the first room they saw.

There was an ugly demon, with drums growing out of his body, holding a boy wearing white, his top all bloody and pants ripped.

Suddenly, the demon noticed them entering and tossed the boy like a dirty rag doll out of a window that appeared out of nowhere.

Inosuke and Inoka hightailed it out of there so they could formulate a 'plan'.

Suddenly, they felt the vibration of a drum resonate throughout the building, and the room changed right before their eyes, into a bland, empty room, similar to the hallway they entered in.

Inosuke snorted, and he was pissed as he lost the demon. Inoka did the same, equally annoyed.

He grunted 'Ugh! Where the hell are we?!' to Inoka, who replied with a confused shake of her head.

As the two were trying to grasp what was happening, they felt someone staring from behind them.

Thinking it was the demon, they whipped their heads around to see them, masks on full display.

It was a short blondie, who was also wearing the demon corps outfit.

He looked weak and frightened, but there was something odd about him that they couldn't sense; he was hiding something.

However, the moment they glared at him to get out of there, he froze, and it appeared as if he pissed himself.

"Monster! Ah-----!"

They faced him head on, ready to charge him out of there.

He squeaked again and crumpled to the floor in a fetal position.

Inoka and Inosuke looked at each other, and with mutual understanding they dashed out of the room, into the hallway.

They entered into a few other rooms that had the presence of a demon recently being there, but most of the house, strangely, felt like it was demonic itself, like the demon embodied the house.

"Pig assault! Pig assault!" They yelled as they charged into a new room, that was, strangely,  completely flipped, and were face to face with another burgundy-haired boy kneeling on the floor and a little girl hiding behind a drawer in the corner of the room.

(If there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

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