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(10000 reads and 1000 vote special will happen 👀)

The harsh wind blew upon a figure huddled in the middle of the dirt road.

It was Zenitsu.

'Do my companions... Hate me...? Do people normally abandon their companions on the side of the road? If they really are my companions, why didn't they try to convince me...?'

Zenitsu was close to tears.

'If the two of them came over and tried to do that, at that point, even I would be able to go. But the two of you have chosen to go into that terrifying forest... Why do you have to move so fast? Why can't you consider my feelings of abandonment for a second?'

Now, at this point, Zenitsu was frustrated.

Suddenly, his line of thinking was interrupted by a high-pitched chirping from his sparrow.

'There's nothing to be done about being bullied,' the sparrow chirped, trying to communicate its thoughts to the poor blond boy. 'Hurry up and go save your companions!'

"You really are quite calm... But nor matter what, how would a bird understand human stuff..." Zenitsu rambled, as he couldn't understand bird language.

The poor sparrow, in a fit of rage, started pecking and pulling on the skin on Zenitsu's hand.

Zenitsu started screaming at the sparrow about Nezuko-chan being cuter, but suddenly, he was reminded of the fact Tanjiro was carrying the demon girl.

It was as if somebody had lit a fire in him.

"NEEEZZZUUUUKKKKOOOOO-CCCCHHHHAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!" Zenitsu roared as he charged into the forest, fearless with his desire for poor Nezuko.

The sparrow sweatdropped.

Back to the trio; they were suddenly attacked by those demon slayers.

"They're wearing demon slayer uniforms; but why are they attacking us?! Isn't it forbidden to attack fellow slayers?!" Tanjiro grumbled.

While Tanjiro was trying to figure out what was going on, Inoka and Inosuke were having the time of their lives.

They quickly backflipped over each other, and as their feet made contact together mid-air, they pushed off, headbutting the demon slayers.

'Woah, their synchronization is no joke!' Tanjiro thought, a bit scared.

"I think they're being controlled by something!" Inoka realized.

The demon slayers who were being forced to fight the boars sweatdropped.

'We've lliterally been screaming about us not controlling out movements and we have looks of despair and panic clearly evident on our faces, and this idiot just realized? Are they just accepting every dumb person into the Demon Corps now?!' The puppets angrily thought.

"Alright! Then I'm going to chop them all in half now!" Inosuke roared, much to the panic of the puppets.

"No! Some of them might still be living!" Tanjiro yelled, much to the relief of the demon slayers.

Suddenly, Inosuke rammed into Tanjiro.

All of his hard work headbutting trees evidently paid off; Tanjiro's stomach ached.

"Stop denying our fun!" Inoka yelled at Tanjiro, deflecting a sword.

Suddenly, two controlled slayers lunged at the whining slayer Inoka and Inosuke had socked earlier.

Inoka and Inosuke brought them to the ground, but Inoka felt something soft from the slayer's back.

"Strange, I felt something wispy, but this demon slayer is bald???" Inoka mumbled.

Suddenly, Tanjiro screamed "Wires! It's wires! Cut the wires!"

Inosuke yelled "I've already figured that out!" as he flew over their heads, cutting the wires.

'As if!' Tanjiro and the whining slayer thought.

Suddenly, a few spiders latched onto Tanjiro and he realized the threads were coming from spiders.

"We must find the manipulator! I've been picking up this foul stench, so my nose is useless. If any of you can detect the puppeteer with your sense of touch, please help me!"

"We can find the manipulator, but we ain't helping you! Inoka yelled at the whiny demon slayer, a look of shock plastered on his face.

"Also, you are..." Tanjiro asked the whiny slayer, who replied with "Murata! I'm Murata!"

"Okay, Murata Murata Desu (Murata I'm Murata), Tanjiro and you will deal with the ones being controlled. Me and Inosuke will find the main demon! Don't get in our way!" Inoka yelled.

"It's Murata, not Murata Murata Desu!" He fired back.

Suddenly, they sensed a presence from above.

"Don't disturb our clan't peaceful life here." A voice rang out.

The vibrations from his voice made Inoka shiver, and she unconsciously leaned towards Inosuke, who, sensing her shiver, put a hand around her waist, pulling her close to him.

After feeling the familiar sensation of his heartbeat, Inoka calmed down and looked at the source of the noise.

"Flying? No, it's standing on a wire." Tanjiro muttered.

"Because... You will all be killed by mother in the next few moments." The demon said, goosebumps going down Inoka's back, and Inosuke could feel her skin raising.

Inosuke, angered by the demon scaring Inoka, jumped up into the air and yelled "Hey! Stop scaring her!"

"Hey, I'm not scared! I'm just disgusted!" Inoka yelled, while Tanjiro sweatdropped; he could hear 

He swung his sword against the demon, but missed by a few centimeters.

As he missed, the demon started walking away on the threads hanging him up.

"Damn it! Where are you going?!" Inosuke yelled at the demon. "Come back here and fight me!"

He kept cursing until he land on the ground, where he stumbled a bit.

Inoka rushed to support him, her eyes glaring at the retreating figure.

"I think that demon isn't the one controlling the wires!" Forehead yelled, and Inoka replied "Yeah, yeah, shut it Gakutaro (Forehead-taro)! We get it!"

Inoka and Inosuke glanced at each other and grunted.

They stabbed their swords on the ground, forming a perfect square.

'Woah, how did they do that? It's a perfect square!' Tanjiro thought, shivering.

They raised their arms out beside them, and quietly whispered "Breath of the Beast: Seventh Fang: Spacial Awareness!"

"What are you guys doing?" Tanjiro asked confused after 3 seconds had passed.

They didn't reply.

"I said, what are you-"

"Found it! There!" Inoka and Inosuke yelled.

Meanwhile, the demon who was on the string earlier muttered "I will not let anyone get in our way. My wish is that this clan of five can be able to live our lives happily."

"None of them will be able to sever the wires of fate that bind us together."

(If there are any mistakes or you have any suggestions for the plot, please message me or comment :) also, please vote~ it means the world to me, and it also lets me see if you guys are enjoying the story or not~ thank you 🐗)

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