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I try to have fun

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I try to have fun. Honestly I do, but a date like this only becomes as awkward as it can get because two awkward people are involved and ... it's just awkward.

The movie theater and then a restaurant. At least it hadn't been vicariously uncomfortable with the former. The multiple presences around us, along with Theo James holding ninety percent of my attention, I scaled through. A pleasant dinner of steak with a side of some unknown substance, supposedly edible, I've never seen in my entire life because the richest food I ever ate was caviar (and I didn't like it).

Perhaps I had stared at the plate like something I've come across in my brother's bathroom once, but Yunho interrupts the contest. My frown softens when I see his concerned scrutiny.

He's flunking out here and even he knows.

"You've been staring at the plate for decades," he attempts at a joke. It's lame, I think, however it is a thought I keep to yourself. "You don't like it? I could order something else for you. What would you like?"

And there! Right there is what the problem is: I don't know what a Stilts Fisherman's Indulgence should be or the Fullblood Wagyu Tenderloin looking up at me. Still, I have no plans of ordering the fisherman's food. The price makes me lose my appetite.

"It's fine," I assure him, or try to. "I love steak."—half-cooked steak, yum—"My mom says red meat is good for a growing child like myself, though..." I balk—mother has never said that—tapping a finger thoughtfully against my chin. "I stopped growing the moment I stepped into college." Shuteyes lessened, stress aggravated.

"I shouldn't have brought you here, should I?"

"Aw, don't beat yourself about it," I wave off dismissively, chuckling nervously, whilst ignoring the low growl my stomach makes. A tinge louder and I would be facing embarrassment in Yunho's audience. "People like us prefer a more direct approach towards what we eat."

It is my unique, yet undeniably half-witted way, of consoling rich kids who believe they're messing up what should be a really good date because their partner feels inferior. Now that's quite rare even if what I feel now isn't close to inferior; the way the blue bloods appear to reason just baffles me.

Fullbodied Wang Of The Loins was it?

What the hell currently sits on my dinner plate?!

"What?" Yunho is as stupefied as I expect him to be. I have no idea what I have just said either. The hell, I have no idea what I vomit verbally most times.

"I don't know what this is," I say in more decipherable terms. Subconsciously I pick up a heavy fork and jab at the piece of ... meat? "I only chose this because I was taught in Biology that loins were the section of the human body between the rib cage and the vertebrae,"—what if I currently munched on human flesh? Perhaps some unfortunate victim of a horrible mafia crime—"my gran-gran also told me loins referred to the pubic area."

My eyes widen quadruple times more which influences Yunho's brown ones to do the same. Then he chuckles while shaking his head like I'm the most peculiar creature he's come across in his time.

"Relax, Yoon. It's just beef."

Well, that changes things.

"Oh..." I trail off, still not assured by his assurance. Shyly, I look at him. "Well, there still stands the case of me believing I'm scarfing down four years of college tuition, maybe more. It's too expensive and I should probably just suck it up and eat it considering it's much better to defecate five thousand dollars worth of food than have it thrown in the trash, right?"

Currently I stand between rambling and making a point.

"Perhaps." Yunho shrugs like what I've just said makes only partial sense. "Except what you eat happens to be my primary concern and not how much money I spend."

Wow, thousands of dollars sure is chicken change to these people, I think. And it is officially safe to truly admit that you're a goddamn pauper.

"And don't worry, Younghoon-hyung hates waste. I'm sure he'll know what to do with it."

Ah! That is as assuring as a licorice and pizza smoothie topped with garlic and sprinkled with salt.


"So," Yunho leans back in his seat, giving me a clear view of his outfit. It definitely contrasts with where he chooses to have dinner. And that is why I thought the movie meant we both were off to a great start. "What is a more direct approach for you?"

Oh, he's definitely teasing me now.

"Anything pork?"

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