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The thought of crawling away before Mingi spots me comes to mind, but since it's a given that luck has never been a true ally of mine, he turns that very moment

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The thought of crawling away before Mingi spots me comes to mind, but since it's a given that luck has never been a true ally of mine, he turns that very moment. The sight of me bearing a comical resemblance to a thief wanting to sneak away into the night, Mingi's lips tip up and his teeth shines at me. My body tenses up for a minute but then it relaxes and I smile back.

The awkwardness of the past weeks seems forgotten.

"Coward," he jeers and I simper in return.

As Mingi approaches, I don't fail to notice how he falters with each step as if he's quite unsure of whether he should be coming to me or not. From the look on his face, behind glasses that gives him an even sexier edge, it's quite evident that the last thing he wishes to do is scare me.

Then it hits me. "Y-You're wearing your glasses." Aish! As much as I hate drawing to unwanted conclusions, I like to think he's wearing it for me and what he says simply confirms those suspicions.

"Yeah, well..." Right in front of me is a bashful Mingi, a side unseen by humankind. His hand rubs nervously across the nape of his neck, his grin impish, and his eyes on anything but me. "A little birdy said I have to go the extra mile to win you over."

While I'm aware of Mingi's feelings—not entirely though—it comes as a reasonable shock that he says that hence the silent gasp that draws from my lips. It's the confidence the boy needs to work his tongue and look at me.

"You're cute when you blush," he comments out of the blue. "Add that to the list of things I've been meaning to tell you. Well, list of the purest of them."

I blush again at the last statement. "So, Jungha was right then."

Mingi nods in the affirmative. "Still feel like the biggest ass for leading her on, but I did love her at some point in time, what I assumed was love anyways. Gah, I don't ..." he smacks his head for good measure and turns away from me. Mingi is physically having a mental breakdown. I'm not sure I like it.

"I appreciate ... that you think you like me—"

"I know I like you. Or love?" Without hesitation he grabs my face, placing both hands on either of my cheeks, stroking on interval. It's awfully cute a gesture, I decide, yet I'm not too happy with the way the both of us are trying to communicate our feelings to each other. I like to put blame on how it all came to this. "I love you, Yoon. Not a day goes by that I don't think of your annoyed face because I pissed you off. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're snarky, even if that's an effect of me getting on your nerves. You remind me of my favourite grape milkshake because of that goddamn shampoo you like to use," —huh, I always thought the scent was too subtle for anyone to pick up. Mingi proves me wrong— "one day I wake up, to your hungover self sleeping, and I get the hankering to kiss you and since that day you do nothing but haunt me in your absence; I like it. I took you off guard I know but months of pent up desire got to me and . . . I couldn't, but believe me it wasn't my intention to make you feel like the worst friend out there. You're the best anyone could wish for, something Jungha reiterates over and over."—these days I beg to differ—"I wish to see you everyday and you have no idea how it ruins an entire day when I don't get to. I want to be the one that's there when you're down, the one to wipe that tear, the one to hit when you laugh hysterically like you usually do. I want to call you mine and kiss you right this second."

Poor Unfortunate Souls | Mingi ✓Where stories live. Discover now