Gin Joints

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Sober Ryker immediately regretted his decision to buy tickets to whatever the circus called a rodeo was. Though his VIP pass did afford him a decent parking spot, he found himself in a crowd of humans as he walked through the doors that got his hackles up, if only because of how loud and obnoxious they all were. He noticed a few supernaturals in the crowd, but it appeared to be the last truly human form of entertainment left to do in New Orleans.

Ryker's ticket got him access to a box, where the beer was free, there was a buffet table, TVs lining the walls and a huge viewing window that was perfectly situated over the arena. A few more people filtered into the room around him, some in business suits, some dressed up like cowboys on crack.

But as the pony show got on the road down below, and it was apparent from the beginning of the night that it wasn't really about bull fighting, he found himself more distracted by what was going on around him. There were a few interesting characters and good-looking people mingling in the box he was in. Namely, a cute blonde in tight blue jeans, a plaid shirt and curves for days who sauntered up to him and offered him a bottle of beer.

"I haven't seen you around one of these shindigs before." She flashed him a brilliant smile that Ryker returned, and they fell into easy conversation that distracted him away from the sudden urge to give up the insane plan of his and just leave.

Ryker gave zero shits about the fact that she was the heir to some farming or cattle company that raked in the profits with contracts for Costco. Or the fact that her father owned such and such sports team in Texas. But she was digging him, and if all else failed, he could have some fun tonight. Alesky had told him not to fuck the cowboy. He hadn't said anything about fucking the cowgirl. Out in the ring, there were people riding horses and catching cows, drawing cheers and winces from the mass of humanity that seethed around him

There was an intermission that sped by as quickly as the rest of it while Ryker flirted, before everyone's attention seemed to move to the ring, where they were announcing draws and random things he didn't really understand.

"The riders are drawing their rides. You hope for something challenging, but nothing vicious. Damn... that kid is dead last and on the worst bull. That's a bad draw." She nodded towards where a line of cowboys stood, either waiting to pull a piece of paper out of a cup or having already done so.

On the jumbotron above him, he could see the names of cowboys listed in order, as well as matched with what he assumed was the animal's name.

"Daisy Chain?" Ryker smirked as he noticed the name of the bull she had been referring to.

"Kind of cute, for a homicidal maniac." She giggled softly, shooting him a glance.

Ryker raised a brow at that, giving her a curious look as he explained. "It's also a name for mines that are all connected. I think they were invented in the second world war, but you step on one, and you blow up your whole section."

She pouted. Apparently, she liked it when she was the teacher but not the other way around. Ryker took a drink of his beer and glanced back to where they were clearing out the sand ring now. One of the cowboys was standing on the fence rails, playing with a bit of rope or leather as a bull was guided towards him.

The thing was rattling the metal around it, clearly upset.

Ryker pulled his gaze away from that scene, scanning the rest of the area until he saw who he was looking for. Daryl had just settled on the edge of the fence with another man, grinning and talking, though clearly paying attention to what was going on with the cowboy and the bull.

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