Ecstacy Hangover

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Daryl had never heard of fellatio pissing someone off and Daryl had experienced enough times to know that he hadn't been horrible. But other than a bruising, rough kiss that had him slammed back against the wall when he was done, Ryker hadn't responded at all. Before Daryl could even get his head straight after the kiss, Ryker was stalking down the hallway, barely glancing to make sure Daryl was keeping up.

And that fury, the menacing anger that made the man scowl so vehemently most people stepped out of his way, it carried them out of the bar and towards the parking lot.

He didn't know if Ryker even knew he was following until the man threw open the passenger side door of his car and snarled the only two words since Daryl started. "Get in."

Before he could even build up his own ire, he was in the car and they were driving. He shook his head, trying to figure out how the hell that had happened, before he rounded towards Ryker, feeling his own anger starting to rise. "Mind telling me what's got your knickers in a twist?"

"Why'd you do that?" Ryker snarled, glaring at the road in front of him.

Then it hit him. Daryl jerked back, "you didn't want it... I... I forced you.... Oh fuck.... Oh fuck Ryker... I .. That's not wha...."

That earned him a bewildered look, then a smirk of dark amusement. "Daryl, you could never force me to do anything I didn't want. Trust me. If you're doing something I don't like, I have no fear of you outpowering me."

It should have sounded like a simple, if a bit egotistical, statement of facts. But Ryker made sure to put enough cut into his tone that Daryl nearly flinched. It wasn't like he was a weak man and perhaps Ryker was combat trained but Daryl didn't consider himself a pushover. He gritted his teeth. "Then why the hell didn't you enjoy it?"

"I did." Ryker growled, turning back to glare at the road.

"Suddenly you don't want to be intimate with me? You've been kissing me all night, the past couple of nights... what am I missing?" Daryl snorted, jerking his chin towards the road. "Fuck it. Let me the fuck out of here. I'll get my shit from you later."

Ryker pulled the car over, stopping suddenly as he slammed it into park. "Fine. Get the fuck out."

Even knowing that they were both overreacting, Daryl couldn't stop the disaster that was about to happen, his anger refusing to listen to common sense as he ripped his seat belt off and opened the door.

He got out, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar part of town that didn't give him the warm fuzzies when he looked at the boarded up windows and burned out cars. Still, he slammed the door and turned in the opposite direction of wherever Ryker was going, pulling out his phone as he stalked away.

There was the sound of screeching tires and suddenly Ryker was parked beside him, standing out of is car and snarling, "where the fuck are you going?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Daryl snapped, whirling on him, because he had no idea where he was going, and could barely figure out how to search up a pizza delivery service, let alone a taxi company. " What could I have possibly done to turn you off?"

Ryker gave him a dark look, though there was a fair bit of confusion on his features. "You didn't turn me off."

"Then why are you pissed off?" Daryl snarled, running a hand through his hair, making him realize that he had left his hat somewhere.

"Why did you do that? Back at the bar? It was a big deal to you. Why?"

Now he was getting confused. Ryker was upset because he didn't understand? Daryl reigned his own temper in a little bit more, letting out a heated breath. "Because you did something fucking amazingly selfless, and I wanted to say thank you. I'm a fucking idiot, ok? I've never done that before and you're making me feel really fucking awkward about it."

Blood BourbonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora