Lady Luck

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I'll see you later.


P.S. Avoid the glitter, and you'll be a shoein.

Other than the post script, it was the same note from the day before, though Daryl knew that the fact that Ryker had taken the time to write it before slipping out silently was a big deal. He still hated the feeling of rolling over into an unexpectedly cold bed, and it left him awake a couple hours before he had set his alarm to get up

A text from Ryker on his phone told him that the man was going to be busy most of the day and probably unreachable, unless it was an emergency. Daryl grinned to himself and typed a reply.


Go back to sleep.

Go back to work.

Damn cowboy.

Bloody Heathen.

There wasn't a response after that, though it was enough to have Daryl grinning and shaking his head as he got dressed and finalized his presentation.

He rehearsed as he moved about, fighting back feelings of dread that were starting to rise within him as he contemplated what he was about to do. He wasn't what they would be expecting in there, he would be out of his depth. He had the schooling but he had only ever presented in class. He hated being the centre of attention and they had told him that it was the investors board that would be there for this competition, judging those who had made it on the short list.

Daryl glanced at the boxes carefully packed with the model and the drawings, pausing in thought for another moment of doubt. Had he taken too much leeway with the design? He had envisioned something more than what they asked for, though he also had simplified versions of it drafted up in case it all went to shit.

Before he could overthink himself anymore, he finished pulling on the suit that had wound up in his closet yesterday, making a face at himself in the mirror. He had spent so long avoiding looking like this, he almost felt like a sell out.

"Stop it, Daryl." He muttered to himself, before grabbing his things and heading down the stairs and towards the truck.

He lifted a brow when he saw Janek standing beside his truck, grinning, "you're up early."

"I've gotta go into the city anyways. I'll drive you." Janek shrugged and opened the back door, waving Daryl towards it.

"Bullshit." The man was lying but still, Daryl followed the silent direction and put his things in the back before climbing into the passenger seat.

Janek merely grinned to him. "Ryker got his vests, by the way, though he didn't seem very happy."

"Vampires don't wear bulletproof vests, apparently." Daryl rolled his eyes and smiling as the other man laughed.

They fell into an easy conversation of small talk, with Janek keeping him blessedly distracted from his obsessive thoughts through most of the drive. And when they stopped in front of the building Janek winked to him, "you've got this, D."

"Alright." He nodded, letting out a slow breath. When Janek pinned him with a glare, he smiled ruefully. "I've got this."

"Send me a text, but I'll meet you across the street at the bookstore... it has a parking lot." Janek nodded towards the building in question, "don't go wandering off, ok?"

Daryl rolled his eyes again, "yes mom."

He was laughing though, as he climbed out of the truck and grabbed his box and briefcase out of the back of the truck and headed inside. He dodged around several people walking back and forth and found himself in the same lobby as the last time, one filled with windows and plants and marble. It was far too showy to be practical or comfortable, but the security guard at the front desk gave him a genuine enough smile as he approached and checked in.

Blood BourbonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora