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Wyona hurried down a side street, frowning when she hit the lock button on her car and still could not find her vehicle. She had barely been paying attention when she parked earlier today on her way into the new office building she had been shoved into by the company as it tried to figure out something for her to do.

All her work had been lost, ruined, when the ship had gone down. They had blamed some malfunction, some mistake the scientists made and she was the only one that hadn't been fired. And that was only because she had assured them that she had a way to regain all that lost material and data.

She was trying to save her skin, even Camilla had told her that her job was near done. But Wyona could find a way to replicate those results, she had almost convinced them to take a look at the other Martin brother, to see if the stronger treatments would work on him. Maybe not as well as his younger brother, but he had been just below threshold as a child.

Not completely lacking.

Echo six nine, had been the biggest loss of all. The fact that the Hunters had not been able to reach his room before the explosions and flames took over had resulted in the two survivors being reassigned. Or executed. She really didn't care which. They had lost the single biggest medical breakthrough in decades. They were supposed to be superhuman. They should have been able to find him tied to a hospital bed.

She didn't notice she was being followed until she hit a dead end, frowning and hitting her lock button again, before turning around and starting back the way she came, only to run head first into the solid wall of person.


She recognized this one. They had thought he was dead.

"Don't hurt me." She whispered, backing up a step. He didn't follow, he didn't need to, his platinum blonde hair shagged over his greyish green eyes that glowed oddly in the night.

"You're going to give me a little bit of information." He grinned to her when he took a step forward and she jumped back, slamming herself into the chainlink fence behind her.

Wyona frowned at him, "I'm just a scientist."

"When Daryl died..."

"When Echo six nine perished, they shut down the Enki program." She shook her head, holding up her hands. "I had nothing to do with his death."

"But you had a lot to do with the circumstances of him being captured and presumably tortured. Tell me. How do you justify doing that to another person?" The vampire growled, though he was eerily calm, far more collected than the ones they got in the lab. Wyona found herself trying to figure out if it was from being in the wild, or possibly being well fed.

"The Enki project, the children were created with the understanding of their parents that... the children would be monitored and possibly utilized in the future..." Wyona offered weakly. She had seen the contracts, despite what the company told her, the parents had no idea what they were getting, giving their DNA over for the chance of having a child. "Besides, it is a worthwhile cause. Humans need tools to compete with you monsters."

"You call me a monster. Yet your company kidnaps people and conducts experiments on them. You are willing to kill innocents to send messages. Use children as weapons or lab rats. I saved the lives of six humans that your people would have killed. And you call me a monster. Daryl was the purest, most gentle hearted person I have ever met. And you..." the man trailed off, shaking his head.

"He was an advancement of several of our programs. You don't understand how much we've been set back by his death." Wyona argued, frowning at him. "I would argue I feel his loss more than you."

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