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Apparently finding someone annoying didn't stop you from flirting with them for at least twenty minutes.

I sucked my teeth as I attempted to drag my eyes away from Harry who had been with Chloe practically since we arrived. I didn't even want to be at this stupid party and this was making me hate it even more.

And the music wasn't even good!

Ollie had been there to welcome us as if it was his party, I briefly met Logan who was exactly as I imagined, I really didn't mean to be the type to judge a book by its cover but Logan was blonde and well built and definitely a rich boy.

I could see why Ollie was attracted but it definitely didn't mean I understood it.

I glanced at my phone before shoving it back into my jacket pocket, I hadn't seen Tom in the two hours we'd been here and Chloe well, she was preoccupied with Harry. Not that I had a problem with it.

I just didn't understand how she could be that interesting.

I pushed myself away from the wall and headed towards the bar, an actual bar with a bartender and I pursed my lips as I pushed my way through the people. It looked like the whole of Imperial College was here and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

"Vodka Red Bull please." I smiled politely at the bartender who nodded and I glanced around, I could still see Harry's head.

Fuck him for being so tall.

And I could still see it tilted down so I assumed he was still with Chloe. I gritted my teeth as I was handed my drink and I raised it in a silent thanks before wandering around. I didn't see the need for an actual bartender, but rich people I guess.

"I've been looking for you for ages!"

I jumped as I was grabbed from behind and spun around coming face to face with a highly intoxicated Tom. I had a feeling I was one of the only sober people here.

"A lot of people." I shrugged, hoping to be heard above the music and Tom grinned and nodded.

"Poppy this is James and Hugh!" Tom shouted and pointed at the two guys he was flanked by and I forced myself not to roll my eyes.

I wonder how many other Hugh's there are here.

I smiled politely as they both looked me up and down and I shifted on my feet slightly.

"Have you got any Ket?" Hugh lent in to speak and I pursed my lips but shook my head nevertheless.

I glanced at Tom who simply shrugged as James and Hugh started talking amongst themselves and Tom slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Where's your lover then?" Tom nudged me and I rolled my eyes making him laugh.

"All over Chloe." I jerked a finger towards the opposite end of the kitchen, oh yeah that was the other thing.

It wasn't a barn, it was a barn conversion. Fucking rich people.

"Wait I thought you tw-"

"Oh we should go over, Styles' always got the good stuff."

Tom was cut off by James and Hugh nodded before the two of them left us without a second glance and I was left watching their retreating backs curiously.

They knew Harry?

"Your mates a drug dealer then."

I recognised the judgement in Tom's voice as I followed his gaze towards Harry who greeted both of Tom's friends before they started talking and I saw Chloe get pushed to the side and I snorted but quickly shut up as I met her eye.

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