fifty two.

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I frowned as I stepped out of my bedroom to find my best friend appearing from Harry's bedroom.

"Oh shit hi Peas."

"What are you doing here?" I looked at him suspiciously, "In fact when did you get here?"

I hadn't heard him arrive, I hadn't even known he was coming over and what the fuck was he doing with Harry?

"Fuck is that Poppy?" Harry appeared over Ollie's shoulder with worried eyes and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who else lives here?" I asked, only half joking as Harry rolled his eyes at me.

"You're a really heavy sleeper Pea." Ollie laughed, patting my cheek rather harshly. "Come on we've got a party to go to."

I glared at Ollie's retreating back before glancing at Harry curiously. "What was he doing here?"

"Y'know you're nosy, yeh'?" Harry raised an eyebrow at me and I grinned back at him.

"He's my best friend." I pointed out, flushing as Harry's eyes dropped down my body.

"Y'look nice." Harry mumbled before he pressed his lips to mine and I jerked backwards.

"You can't distract me by kissing me."

Harry simply rolled his eyes and pressed his lips to my jaw and the gift bags I was holding dropped to the floor as I grabbed at Harry's arms, a whimper slipping from my lips. The sound being swallowed by Harry's mouth as it slotted against mine.

I lent up on my toes as Harry gripped my waist and pulled me into him, our bodies flush against each other as I licked into his mouth, one of Harry's hands dropped to my bum and squeezed making me bite his lip by accident.

"You two better not be fucking!"

I jumped, my teeth almost sinking into Harry again as Ollie shouted for us and I groaned as I pulled away from Harry properly.

"Didn't realise you liked it rough." Harry licked his lips as he grabbed my hand and I felt my entire body flush.

"I'm sorry."

I did feel bad.

"S'fine." Harry smirked at me as I tried my best not to trip down the stairs as I walked in front of him. "I like it rough."

"Fucking finally. You two are a nightmare." Ollie snapped as he threw Harry's car keys at us and I squealed, ducking out the way as Harry caught them with one hand.

I licked my lips as Harry motioned for the two of us to leave and I followed Ollie silently, my head spinning at Harry's comment. He had just told me he liked it rough.

Literally not even five minutes before we left for our friends Christmas party. I couldn't deal with this, I mean how do you just causally tell someone something like that? I stared at Harry like a madman, my brain going absolutely mental.

He just said it so casually?

I was going to kill him. With my mouth. In a good way, with our clothes off.

"Where are your presents?" I blinked at Harry once the three of us were settled in his car, Harry's hand on my thigh, Ollie in the back seat and Harry pulling out of the driveway.

"Right here!" Ollie grinned and I glanced over my shoulder to find him showing me a gift bag and I nodded, I wasn't talking to him.


"Don't have any." Harry said and I gasped, his hand giving me a hard squeeze.

"Where does Louis live?" I asked instead.

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