Chapter 19|Rachel

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"Good evening Miss Rachel."

"Oh, hello Arthur. Still up?" I greet politely the old man. He is our housekeeper, I prefer to call him that, I was never fan of the word "butler", and I practically grew up around him.

"You know me, miss. Sleep doesn't come easy to a man my age." he smiles politely and his wrinkled eyes sparkle with humour.

"Come on now Arthur, you're not that old. Please go to sleep, no need for you to stay up this late. Go get some rest."

"Mister Dan is not home yet, I will wait for him in case he needs something."

"He is a big boy. He can handle himself." I say checking my watch. One in the morning. Is my brother still working?

"As you wish. Goodnight Miss Racher." he bows a little and makes his way through the hallway to his room. I nod smiling and throw myself to the neatly arranged couch in the main living room.

I replay the events of the night in my head and a smile is plastered on my face as I lightly rub my tingling lips. Oh God I want him so bad. I mean I knew I was attracted to him from the first look but now that I had a taste, I want so much more. I want him all for myself!

With one little kiss and I felt weak. I've never felt like this before. I've been with a lot of guys, the exact amount is not important, but the way I felt with him is so new to me. It wasn't just lust. It was more.

I hear my phone ringing and with swift motions I fished it out of my purse, my heart going a hundred miles per hour thinking it might be him.

"Hello?" I answer mostly out of breath.

"Hey, pumpkin."

"Daddy!! How are you? Oh, i miss you so much!" hearing his voice I feel so much joy. I know we talked a couples of days ago but still. I miss him so much. I was never the one who took his trips lightly. I would cry and beg him not to go everywhere, throw tantrums, you know typical drama queen.

"I know honey, me too. How is everything there? I don't suppose i woke you, right?"

"Oh, please. of course not. I just got home." like he doesn't know I'm a night owl.

"Just got home, huh? I would have figured you are getting ready to leave. What no parties tonight?" he asked and I knew he was smiling. Try to fish informations out of me. He doesn't need to though. I always tell him everything. Well, not anything that can cause him a heart-attack of course, but you get the point.

"No, no. No parties for me tonight.Just a movie, that's all." thinking about it the image of Noah is filling my head and I smile again.

"Huh. That's new. I'm glad you girls decided to finally do something different for a change."

"Dad, I wasn't with Tina. I was on a date." I say to save him the trouble of asking more questions. Suddenly the line falls silent. I check to see if the call is still going.

"Dad?" I say again a little worried but when I hear him breathe I relax.

"A date, date? The normal kind of date?"

I narrow my eyes.

"What other kind of dates are there?" I asked confused.

"Well, I don't know honey what you kids are doing these days but I'm guessing what you've been doing so far? I've never heard you say you are dating someone. Not since you were sixteen."

I laugh out loud with how lost he sounds but I don't blame him. He doesn't know all my shenanigans obviously but he is a smart guy, he gets the picture of what's going on.

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