Chapter 31| Noah

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There is heavy knocking at my door.

I check the time and I'm not expecting anyone so I ignore it. But the knocking becomes pounding and I'm guessing Mark lost his keys again or he is so wasted that he can't unlock. Annoyed I get up and head for the door.

"Mark I swear to God…" i say furious only to face a sobbing Rachel that falls into my arms with force. I can feel her tears wetting my naked torso.

"Whoa, hey, hey. What happened?" I hold her fragile face with my hands and lower myself to her. "Are you hurt?" The thought of that worries the hell out of me and I scan her with my eyes bit by bit to make sure she is ok. Her gray eyes are blotchy red and a bit puffy letting me know she's been crying for a while now. She shakes her head negatively and I can breathe again. I hug her and take her inside my room shutting the door behind us. I guide her to my bed and sit her down while I kneel in front of her rubbing her hands to comfort her. She keeps sniffling uncontrollably and her tears are running on her face like rivers.

"Please don't cry. Whatever it is we're gonna figure it out. Just, please, don't cry." I almost whisper to her with a steady voice wiping away her tears. She closes her eyes and I can tell she is hurting.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I ask tugging her hair behind her ear.

"No. Not really." She says and her voice is hoarse. 

"Ok. Whenever you're ready." I nod and reach for my mini fridge, giving her a bottle of water.

"Have some. You're gonna dehydrate." She takes the water and stares at the bottle looking so lost and emotionless and after a second or two she breaks into loud sobs again.

I'm at a loss as I don't know what to do and how to comfort her. It's breaking my heart to see her in this state. I sit next to her and I rub her back. She drops her head to my shoulder and continues to cry. I keep rubbing her back and her arm and it's only then that I realise she is wearing my shirt. Stupid thing to notice in a time like this but watching her wear my clothes in such a casual way, even when I'm not around gives me some kind of euphoria. Nevertheless she is still crying inconsolably. I sigh out loud and pet her hair.

"Baby you're scaring me."

The moment the words left my lips I froze. I didn't mean to call her baby, it just came out. She lifts her head and looks at me her eyes gleaming.

"What did you call me?" She sniffles and looks at me expectantly. I keep looking at her face and try my best to say something that's not too embarrassing. And then my phone rings and I'm literally saved by the bell.

"Hello?" I answer quickly.

"Noah, hey. Is Rachel with you?" A very worried Dan says almost out of breath. I grab the tissues I have in my night stand and pass them to Rachel.

"Yes. She is right here." I say looking at her. she mouths at me 'Danny?' and I nod.

"Oh, thank god!" Dan says relieved. "She turned her phone off and I couldn't find her. I must've called her like a million times. Dad too." I cover the microphone with my hand and turn to Rachel.

"Your dad is looking for you too."

Her bottom lip quivers at the mention of her father and her eyes are filled again. I shake my head no and stroke her hair.

"Yeah, Dan listen, she's very upset right now. Give her some time and when she is ready I'll make sure she'll call you." I say to him without taking my eyes off of her and I can tell she is silently thanking me.

"Yes,of course. Thank you, Noah."

"No need for that." I say to both of them. "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." I hear him sigh relieved again and I hope I took off some of the tension he must've felt.

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