Chapter 42| Noah

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"Wow! She really said that?" Connor shakes his head, wide eyed.

It's late now and after the disaster of a day I had I needed someone to talk to, so I came here and like the little pussy I am I spilled everything.

"Word." I say bitterly chunking down a brave amount of beer.

"Damn! That must have stang." He says watching me carefully. A sarcastic laugh is escaping from my lips.

"Like a bitch." My attention is solely focused on the beer bottle in front of me. Like it has all the answers I need and if I keep staring at it, it's gonna reveal its secrets. I feel lost and hurt, so much that my ego can't take it, but I suppress it.

"What happened after that?"

"Well, scary IRS guys came and took all the paperwork, Dan's laptop, my laptop, Linda's laptop and a bunch of other things, then Dan yelled at me for not telling him sooner about what I've found to which I apologized and then he apologized for being on edge." I grab the bottle and drink the remaining beer. Wow, this is my fourth drink. That's a personal best for someone who can barely tolerate beer.

Connor stretches out his hand and grabs the bottle.

"Yeah, I think you had enough."

"I'm fine." I'm not.

I feel lightheaded, and my mind feels fuzzy and numb. But that's the point right? Numb yourself so you don't feel? And I don't wanna feel right now.

"You're gone to the dark side dude. You keep rambling out loud."

Am I really? I can't tell anymore. But it's true. The one, two times I've been drunk I do do that. I keep talking and talking and talking, putting one word after the other creating a long ass sentence that doesn't make sense at all. But that's how I do it. I'm not a mean drunk, nor a happy drunk either. I'm just stupid drunk. Just plain stupid.

"Come on now. Don't say that. You're not stupid." Huh! I said that out loud too.

"Yes! You've been saying everything out loud since your third beer. You keep narrating everything and it's scary to hear what you actually want to think. So stop it! It's creeping me out. It's scary to be inside your mind like this. So don't think just talk."

"I'll try."

"Ok, that's better. So, she hurt you." I nod staring at the floor.

"She did."

"And you hurt her."

"I did."

"So, are you in love with her?"

"I am." I admit in one breath and Connor seems surprised.

"Wow! I didn't expect that. You really are?"

"Yes. I don't like it and my defense mechanism is trying hard to deny it but it's true. I don't even know how that happened especially when I can see how unbelievably arrogant and stubborn she can be."

"You think her father did it?" He raises his brows in anticipation of my answer. I take a moment to myself before answering.

"Yes, I think he did. There's something off but I believe he is in fault."

"You're not the one that.."

"Tipped them off? No! How would I know about that? I just see numbers on a computer I don't have a crystal ball that shows me the future!" I raise my voice to him and he shrugs.

"Ok,ok. No need to get mad. What are gonna do?"

"I'll do everything in my power to prove me wrong. I'll bust my ass working and searching this thing until I find proof. I seriously hope I'm wrong. I want her to be right. Even though I know she won't be speaking to me again and I'll hate her smug face if she is right I will try to exonerate her father."

"Getting kind of mushy there my friend."

"Yeah, I can't help it. Sorry."

"Oh, so the great Noah Cooper is capable of saying the word sorry? You should drink more often." He says sarcastically and laughs. A half smile is playing on my lips but as my buzz is starting to fade slowly, sadness and hurt take over. "Wanna crush here for the night? You had a lot to drink, you need to sleep it off. Plus you look so depressed right now I would feel guilty to kick you out."

"You're an ass, but thanks."

"Yeah, well what did you expect? Ok, dark knight lay down. We're gonna talk in the morning." He said and left. The point I laid down my eyes closed and I drifted to sleep.

I'm running.

I can feel I'm out of breath but I don't stop. I feel I have to get away from this creepy ass forest I'm currently into. It's not like I'm scared. I just feel trapped. Because I'm going around in circles.

I stop exhausted trying to catch my breath, touching my knees with my hands panting frantically.

I need to get out.


It's her voice. And she sounds terrified.

"Rach? Where are you?" I try to yell but my voice is weak. I try again, but nothing.


I'm running again.

Branches of trees and bushes are scratching my arms but I don't care. She is here somewhere. She is scared and alone. I have to find her.

I hear her again and I curse under my breath as I quicken my pace. Loud flappings are heard and I turn my gaze to the sky.

What the fuck is going on?

That's when I see it. A huge, angry looking crow stand sin my way, blocking my path.

What on earth? How is it so big? It's almost half my size. How am I going to get past it?

The crow starts to get closer scratching his claws to the ground with every step it takes.

Is it wearing a ring? What the hell? I squint my eyes to look carefully and it is wearing a ring. A metal huge ring. I think i know that ring, I'm sure I've seen it before.

I don't notice when it got so close but the moment the bird is in front of me it lock eyes with me. Instantly the hair in my neck stand up and my skin crawls. Yep, now I'm shitless scared. I have no control of my body and though my mind screams at me to get away, my legs are pinned to the ground numbed of fear. And I keep staring at those pitch black, cold eyes. It moves even closer and moves his beak lightly, like it wants to talk.

And it opens its beak menacingly right to my face.

I wake up covered in sweat.

What. The. Hell.

A/N: Here we are guys!!! Final count down!! I got to tell you I loved this story so much, and its characters and though it's sad to know it's ending soon, I'm glad I actually got it through and it's gonna have the ending it deserves!! Thank you so much for your support, whether you're a silent reader or not, you mean the world to me!!!
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