Chapter 26| Noah

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I don't know how much time I've been here but I can feel my stomach growling. Just as I'm about to check the time my phone buzzes. 

Rachel: Hey pot..

I instantly smile with her message. I haven't seen her after the party last night and I was battling with myself not to text her until later but she beat me to it.

Me: Hey kettle.. I didn't see you in class today.

Rachel: Well, I just woke up…

I checked the time out of curiosity. It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I shook my head smiling.

Me: That's what you get for partying all night long. Hangover too?

As I'm gathering my stuff to take my lunch break I hear a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I say, my phone in hand waiting for her message. When I raise my sight my blood runs cold when I see Jeffry Novac on my doorstep. 

"Mr. Novac good afternoon." I say mostly out of breath and put my phone down.

"Hello, mr. Cooper. Can I have a word with you?" He says with that low voice that scares the crap out of me. What is it about this guy that makes feel this way around him? 

"Please." I say and point the chairs in front of my desk while I stand. 

He walk towards me with very steady and slow step, really sure about himself and before he sits he unbuttons his casmir blue jacket. He motions for me to sit as well. I nod lightly and sit. I feel my phone buzzing once again but i turn it upside down and put it away. I cross my hands over my desk and wait for him to speak.

"So? How you are handling all the work? Everything ok so far?" 

Ok, that's odd. I put my poker face on and try my best not to show what I'm thinking right now, because what I'm thinking is that this guy is being a bit shady.

"Doing my best. There is a lot of organising to do, a lot of things that need to be sorted out but I manage." He is nodding while I'm speaking but looks at his hands without any emotion on his face.

"That's good." He says eventually forcing a small smile on his face. I wanna scoff because it seems so fake but I keep my cool instead.

"Is something wrong?" I ask and he raises his head and locks his eyes with mine. They seems even darker than before if that's possible and although he is still smiling, it never reaches his eyes. I'm not an expert but i would say he seems furious for some reason.

"No, on the contrary I'm impressed by your qualities. You are doing a great job this far. I'm actually thinking maybe you should be moved on another department, in a managing position maybe. I can tell you have what it takes, you could thrive in a position like that." He says slowly and keeps playing with a massive ring on his finger. That's bullshit. I don't believe a word he says. Something is wrong here, i can feel it in my gut.

I keep my face neutral nevertheless.

"That's very generous of you. Thank you but I don't think I'm ready yet for something like that. I have a lot to learn and having Dan to guide me through that gives me a sense of security. Plus that's why I'm here, to help him. That's my job description, literally." I'm not saying that I wouldn't love to be in a managing position someday, but the way he is offering me that, like it's something so simple, makes me think that there is a catch.

"I can talk to Dan if that's what you like. I bet he wouldn't have a problem. He is becoming quite fond of you." He says raising his eyebrows expectantly.

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