Chapter 25| Rachel

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That's exactly what I'm feeling right now. Pure bliss.

With a hint of lust. I feel so turned on just by something as simple as a kiss. Imagine how it will feel when we take it to next level. God, I want him!

Not just physically, that's a given. I want all of him, the teasing, the fights, you know proper couple's stuff. I never thought in a million years that i could actually want a relationship but here I am, and it's the only thing I can think about. Different scenarios are forming in my head, like cuddling in front of the tv on movie nights, cooking together, making love. I want all of that. I'm gonna try my best to change his mind.

"Get a room already!" I hear someone from the background and I feel him pull away from me. I whine a little under my breath and turn to face Tina smirking at us, her caramel eyes shining with rumour.

"Do you have a chip on me or somethin'? How did you find me?"  I say dropping my hands in frustration and she scoffs.

"Oh, please! It's not like you are invisible for one. Plus I could feel your presence anywhere. Why is he staying in the shadows?" She points to where Noah is standing, and I see he stepped backwards a little making him barely visible.

"Come out nerd. I don't bite." 

"Tina!" I scold her and she chuckles. I know she means no harm but the situation here hangs in the balance, I don't want to push it.

He walks towards us with an emotionless face, his hands in his pockets and once again I can't tell what he is thinking.

"Hello." He says awkwardly. Tina takes a good look at him with her serious face on and then shakes her head. I pray to God she doesn't say anything stupid.

"Hi, I'm Tina. It is time we properly meet." She says and extends her hand to him. He moves next to me and shakes her hand.

"Noah." He says and there is an awkward silence after that. I clear my throat loudly.

"So… did you need anything?"

"No. Just making sure you are safe, you're not your best self today. I didn't want you to do anything stupid." She shrugs and makes sure to point out the word stupid. She knows me too well. When I'm not on my best days I find someone to pass my time, to feel better. And then I regret it the next day.

"Not this time." I say shaking my head and she nods smiling.

"I can see that. So? Will you two come inside? Maybe play truth or dare?" She asks looking at us. I take a glimpse at Noah's face and I can tell he'd rather die than play.

"Not my game. Thank you though." He finally says with a flat tone.

"What is it about you?" She looks at him thoroughly crooking her head to the side. I stare at her, my eyes nearly out of their sockets, to make her shut up but she ignores me.

"What do you mean?" I can feel him stiff next to me as he speaks.

Oh, Tina I'm gonna kill you!!

"Trying to understand what is it about you that makes Rachel crazy and so obsessed over you. That's all." She says smirking and I feel my blood rushing to my cheeks. Noah chuckles under his breath and I exhale relieved he is not angry.

"As much as I would like to take credit for it, I think she was crazy before she met me." he says and I look at him pretending I'm offended by that but he nudges my shoulder playfully and involuntarily I smile. Tina, though, laughs out loud.

"You got that right. Ok, I'm going back. And like I said, get a room!"

"Get away!" I say annoyed and she walks away laughing. There will be a hell to pay later, I'll tell you that much.

"I'm sorry. She can be a little too much sometimes." I say and stand opposite him looking straight into his eyes. He smiles again and strokes my arms gently.

"Show me who your friends are…" he teases and I bat his arm. He laughs and looks at me. His expression changes pretty quickly and suddenly I feel a knot forming in my throat.

"Hey, do you mind if we keep this on the down low for now? You know,whatever this is anyway. Until we figure it out?" he asks calmly. Well, that's a first. I consider myself a trophy that anyone likes to flaunt around not a pair of old, dirty socks hidden in the bottom of the drawer. I feel hurt somehow.

"Are you embarrassed by me?" I ask, hurt clear in my voice and his eyes light up. He looks me up and down and crooks his head to the side smiling.

"You are kidding, right? Who could be embarrassed by you?" He seems sincere but that confuses me even more. 

"Then, what's the problem?" I say and realisation hits me. "Oh,my God. You are seeing somebody else? Is that it?" I feel like the wind is knocked out of my chest thinking he might actually say yes to that.

"Whoa, no!" 

I can finally breathe again when i hear his answer. I lower my head to recollect myself when I feel his hand on my chin lifting my head to look at him.

"I thought you didn't have insecurities. Where is this coming from?" He is looking straight into my eyes searching for something and I feel like he dives into my soul.

"You confuse me! I don't get you. I can see that you like me, I can feel that, so what's stopping you?" He keeps looking at me and stays silent for a moment, his eyes hard.

"You said yourself you've never dated anyone before,so let take it slow and see how it's going to go, cause I don't want to be just another name on your list." He says and tags a strand of hair behind my ear stroking lightly my neck,making all tingly instantly. It's weird that my body reacts immediately to his touch. 

I can get where he is coming from and I don't mind working hard to make him trust me. Whatever it takes.

"Ok." I say slowly and a weak smile is forming on my face. 

"Ok. So, have fun tonight." 

"You're not staying?" I ask confused.

"I came here just to see you. It's not my scene." He says and I smile widely. 

"I told you, you wouldn't stay away once you get to know me." I say smirking and he laughs out loud.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm just righting my wrong. And maybe stealing a kiss or two." He smirks and my mouth is turned into a huge grin. "Ok, you go on I'm gonna find Mark and tell him I'm leaving."

"Mark? Mark Ruffalo?" I say confused and he looks at me with a stern face.

"Yeah. You know him?" He says and looks serious. For a moment I feel lost as what brought that on but after a second I understand.

"Oh, no. Not that way! I know him in the general sense from parties and stuff. How do you know him?"

"He is, unfortunately, my roommate." He seems relieved somehow and I can't help but smile. He might be ready to admit it yet but I affect so freaking much!

Don't worry nerd, in time you'll be mine!

A/N: What's up y'all??? I know I'm late but some transition chapters are very hard for me to write. From the next on some action is going to come your way, I'm talking drama stuff not just lovey-lovey couple things. Anyway love to hear what you think. Don't hold back, I can take it, just be polite!
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