Chapter Five

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Elora's POV

The first thing I realised when I woke up was that this wasn't what I imagined heaven to look like. The second things I realised was that this probably wasn't heaven.

Memories came flooding back, the shop, the bomb, the pain. Everything. I looked around, this wasn't the healers, which is where humans would usually go when they had any sort of injuries. But this room, this room was nothing like the healers. It was large, crisp white walls that seemed to glow due to the light. Two huge windows that seemed to take up most of the room. I could see the partly see-through curtains, but they had been pulled aside. The bed was unnecessarily large. A double bed assisted with a thick blanket and a mountain of pillows. Tones of space, you could probably fit over twenty people in here. I could dee a door on the left side of the room, I knew it didn't lead out to the hallway, did this room have its own bathroom?

While I had never been inside the Wolves hospital, I doubted their rooms would be like this. The strangest thing, however, was that I no longer felt any pain. I could feel the bandages up against my ribs, and some stitching on my back, but I couldn't feel any pain. Which was strange.

I looked down and immediately say the IV in my wrist. A clear liquid was moving from a plastic packet into my arm. I cringed but pushed down the temptation to take it out myself. I knew that it wouldn't help, probably end up making things worse. 

I pulled myself to the edge of the bed, I swung my legs out from underneath the covers and gripped my hand on the machine that the IV was connected too. Carefully, I pulled myself up onto my two feet and took a couple of steps. I placed my hand on the windowsill and allowed myself to look out onto the view.

I bit back a gasp, the city looked so different from here. I could see the woods, the endless green trees creating an aesthetic contrast to the sheer white buildings of Gyabo. It seemed to stretch for ages. All I had ever seen of the wolves side was a market place, but now that I could see it, I could appreciate it properly. Tall, curved buildings that were once again, a blinding shade of white. The city seemed to stretch on for ages, I could tell that wherever I was, was near the castle, higher up on the mountain. If I looked far enough, I could see the grey, murky, broken down buildings of the human side. Though it was difficult. 

Everything looked so different, so... peaceful. Never before had I seen Gyabo like this, and I loved it. 

I could feel my knees wobbling, a sign that I should probably go back into the unreasonably soft bed. I took one last fleeting glance before turning back around to head back to the bed. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next,

A man was in my bed, how I hadn't noticed it before was beyond me. He was lying face down, Thick, dark brown hair was sitting messily on top of his head, but I could tell that it was usually neat and styles. His face was perfect, a sharp jawline, plump pink lips that were opened slightly. His skin was tan, and his long frame was draped over the right side of the bed. Never before had I seen anyone that looked like him,

And I was terrified.

Long, sharp canines were poking out from the bag in between his lips. It was a werewolf, I could feel my heart beginning to speed up, I had shared a bed with a wolf.

There was no way I was going to lie back down there, not while the wolf was still inhabiting it, I walked back until I hit the wall. I slid down against it, my entire body against the wall, curled up in the corner. I couldn't take my eyes off him, for fear that if I did, he would suddenly be right in front of me, fully prepared to turn the white wall behind me red.

I watched him for hours, occasionally glancing at the clock. At not one point did I feel calm enough to try and close my eyes, in fact, for each minute that went past I seemed to get tenser. Then he began to stir, his body moved, pulling him up completely onto his side, his arm spread out as if he was trying to spread out. Then he began patting around and a worried frown appeared on his face. Suddenly his eyes opened, showing me the most gorgeous green eyes I had ever seen in my life, the colour almost identical to the one of the forest. He looked concerned, scared even as he sat himself up, realising that the bed was empty.

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