Chapter Twenty One

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The day after our date was spent packing up our things. My suitcases were re-organised and waiting idly by the door. Today was the day that we were to head back to Gyabo. After about a week in the estate, while I wouldn't miss the freezing cold temperatures, I knew that I would be returning here as soon as possible. This holiday was a break, a break from the demanding days back in the castle, and as I stared out my bedroom window, I could only think of one thing.

My status.

Everyone now knew who I was. The future Luna Queen, Alpha Lancasters mate. And while everything had been easy here, most of the Alphas leaving the next day after the ball, I knew that simply pretending I was someone else wouldn't work. I could no longer blend in the way I did before, I couldn't pass myself off as a human employee.

I knew it would be different, but the question was to what level?

I looked at the clock and sighed, I should probably head down. I walked over and grabbed all of my bags, not having anyone around me to take them, telling me that I shouldn't be holding my own bags. I held two, suitcase-like bags on one arm while the arm was balancing two large boxes, then under my arm, I had a handbag. all of my bags were the same that I had brought but one. One of the boxes that I was balancing held the crown that I had worn the night of the ball. Margaret offered to send it over to me, but I wanted to bring it with me.

When I ended up back downstairs, Maddox took the bags out of my hands immediately. This time, I didn't feel the cold, as I was certainly wearing enough layers to prevent the cold winds from biting at my skin.

By the looks of it, everyone else was out here. Margaret and Charles too, they were standing a few metres away, simply watching the cars being packed with sad eyes. I placed the bags that I was still holding down on the icy concrete and walked over to them.

I pulled Margaret into a hug, "Thank you so much for everything that you've done for me during our stay here,"

It took Margaret no time to wrap her arms around me, "Of course Elora, any time!"

I pulled away and then turned to Charles, who pulled me into a hug himself, "You come back whenever you want, alright? And you keep that boy of ours in check because I'm pretty sure that you're the only one who can,"

"I will, and I'll come back the first chance I have," I chuckled, pulling away, "Thank you both, I'm going to go see if Maddox needs any help,"

Margaret put a hand on my shoulder, "If he lets you. We'll talk soon."

I took a breath and nodded before turning around and picking up the box that I had left on the floor. Maddox was still piling our suitcases and packages into the trunk if the car. The snow had melted slightly, leaving white patches around the grassy courtyard. It was still cold, I felt nothing due to the thick coat that I had adorned this morning. Yet somehow, Maddox was wearing a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved t-shirt. I got cold just looking at him.

I glanced inside the trunk of the car and found a clear spot, I pushed the box that held my crown into the spot. Thankfully there were no more suitcases, as I had used up the last little bit of space.

Maddox furrowed his brow, "I could have done that,"

"I know you could've, but I did it anyway." I assured, rolling my eyes with a smile, "Are we ready to leave?"

He nodded, "Everyone else has said their goodbyes. The quicker that we get back to Gyabo the better, I have a few things to get done."

I raised an eyebrow, "A mountain of paperwork?"

He groaned, though smiling, "I've decided that if I don't think about it, it doesn't exist."

I sighed and shook my head, "Not sure how that one will play out when you go to your office, but sure. I'm going to get in the car,"

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