Chapter Thirty Three

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The only people waiting for us at the airport was a Castle Representative. 

Well, in hindsight, the only people waiting for Maddox was a castle representative.

Something had happened, the man had pulled Maddox to the side and whispered something in his ear, causing a harsh frown to take over his face. I watched the veins in his hand pop angrily as he ran them together.

He whispered something back, causing a relieved glance from the rep. Maddox pulled back and said something else, his hand waving in my direction. The rep said something else that I didn't recognise, this time loud enough for me to here.

Maddox groaned and ran a hand over his forehead, pushing back his sweat-dripped hair.

Another few words were exchanged before Maddox turned back to me.

"Somethings happened, nothing I can tell you now. They're not letting you in the meeting."

My brows furrowed in confusion, "Why?"

"Apparently since you are not crowned, there are a lot of trust disbeliefs, you not being marked doesn't help my cause either. There isn't anything I can do. They haven't even organised anyway for you to get home!" He waved his hand ferociously, a sheet of paper clenched in his fist, "And when I told that rep, he just gave me this! A map back to their castle!" Maddox's face was going red, the vein in his forehead sticking out angrily.

A ran my hand up his chest and snaked it around his neck, the effect almost immediate. "Maybe I could get a ride back with you and stay outside or in a different room."

"I wish it was that easy," He groaned, "We're not going to the castle, we're going to someplace out of town, for security reasons. We're travelling in wolf form, we can't even drop you off on the way."

I paused, slowly sliding the piece of paper out of his hand. I took a look, it seemed simple enough. A clear pathway from the airport straight to the castle. It couldn't be that hard, could it?

I placed a smile on my face, "It will be fine, I'll just follow the line."

Maddox's face hardened, "No way, I'll just organise a guard. I'll be late for the meeting, but it will be fine,"

I sighed, "Look, we both know that it's not worth it. I will be fine, I'll get someone to mind link you as soon as I arrive."

"What if you- you-"

"Someone will shift and I will be fine" I reassured him, "I look queenly enough I s'pose. So I doubt anything will happen. I understand why I can't come to this meeting, but you can't be late."

Maddox looked away, straining his neck, "Look, you don't know this area-"

"That's why I have the map!" I interrupted earnestly, "Trust me. I'll be okay,"

His jaw clenched, "Fine. I trust you. Not that I didn't, I just don't trust the area and the people in it. Look, the meeting will be two hours at the most, but get someone to mind link me or Taj, I'll make sure to sit near him. Sound good?"

I laid a quick kiss to his lips, "Sounds perfect. I'll see you after,"

I pulled away, quickly readjusting my sloping skirt before turning away and beginning the slow walk back to the castle. With every step I took, I could feel Maddox's burning gaze in my back.

The automatic door swept open, sending a rush of warm air my way. I was much more adjusted to the heat now, and while it was intolerable, I didn't feel as if my burning skin was melting off my bones.

It was a lot busier then it had been last time we left the airport. Last time, the entrance had been almost empty, now it seemed to be the exact opposite. More cars, filled with screaming mothers and the sound of roller wheels against the rocky road. There were people calling for tabs, aggressively shoving their luggage into the boot before another desperate family got the chance.

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