Chapter Fifteen

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His eyes were sad, displaying a gut-wrenching emotion that I would rarely experience. Maddox regathered himself and stood up straighter, but did not let his hand fall out of my grasp.

"I want to introduce you to my family, and then make the news of me finding you public."

Whatever I thought he was going to say, it wasn't that, as if noticing the alarmed look on my face he kept talking,

"Most Luna's have been crowned within this time, Elora, I just want everyone to know that I've found you and see your perfect face." He persuaded, "The wolves are beginning to get reckless, I'm usually out there, taking my own part in the community but I also make public addresses. Since I found you, I haven't been able to do any of that. They're beginning to get suspicious,. but I want them to meet my mate, their Luna Queen,"

My mind was going a million miles a minute, "A ball? Well, who would be there?"

"Alpha's of some of the other packs, along with their Luna's, Gammas and Beta's. Perhaps a few high ranking officials, and then, of course, my parents. But my announcement will be broadcasted for everyone here in Gyabo to see." He explained, leaning against the wall.

Ball's were quite common, something that the Werewolf Royals adapted from the Royal Human Families. They were thrown for any occasion really, but a whole ball just to introduce my name and face? It seemed a little preposterous.

He was watching me intently, his eyes not leaving mine. I opened my mouth at least three times to say something, but nothing came out.

I had no idea what I wanted to say in response to that, 

"Will it be here?" I ended up saying, taking a visual gulp.

"Out at my parent's estate, It's a five, maybe six-hour drive from here," Maddox replied intently,

"How long would we be there?" My mouth was dry as I asked questions, I didn't want to say yes or no. Neither seemed right.

"We would leave tomorrow morning, the ball would be the next day, and then maybe another day or two. Then we'll come back, I promise it won't be too long."

You're his mate, just do as he wants, my subconscious scowled at me. I was fine, this wasn't a big deal.

"Sure," I whispered, "Of course, whatever you need."

He smiled brightly, though the smile seemed fake, and the pain in his eyes did not fade. "Thank you dove, I appreciate this so much. I promise, you'll enjoy yourself, even if it's only a little bit."

Before I could reply, he pulled me into his embrace, his body crushing itself against mine. I took a deep breath before tentatively wrapping my own arms around him, squeezing him tight. I heard a sharp intake of breath before a soft kiss was pressed on the top of my head.

"I love you," He whispered softly, his voice raw with an emotion that sends shivers down my spine "But don't say anything. I fear that if you do, my heart would shatter beyond repair. But I wanted- no, needed you to know that. Thank you,"

I was paralysed for a moment before I carefully pulled away from his arms,

"I, ah I should, um, I should go pack. I'll see you at dinner." I stated awkwardly, my legs shaking as I shoved a rogue piece of hair back behind my ear.

"Do you need any help?" He asked anxiously, studying my movements closely,

I shook my head, "Nope! See you soon!"

I ran off in the direction of our room. My heart pounding and my body swaying with pure adrenaline mixed with fear. My hand was on my head, and the only thing I could hear was the clacking of my shoes against the tiles.

Differences Aside, ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora