Chapter Twelve

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Elora's POV

When he had first asked me the question, I was only thinking with my heart. A quick yes. But nowhere I was, in my bedroom at three-fifty getting ready for my first date. Maddox had said comfortable, and thankfully, Haven, Verity and Faith decided to follow that criteria.

I was dressed simply, a floral day dress and my left out, curling over my shoulders, black as the night. It was a sharp contrast, one that I was assured didn't look nearly as bad as I thought. No makeup, no jewellery. Just a pair of ballet flats on my feet.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to be wearing for a date?" I asked nervously, "I mean, this dress is white, It could get stains on it-"

"Stop trying to make up a reason to change, Elora this dress is perfect and Maddox will love it so stop worrying." Faith interrupted, re-adjusting my hair.

"Trust me, this is the best option in your closet for you to wear." Haven agreed.

"Do you know how many dates Maddox has been on before? Maybe if he's ever had a girlfriend..." I trailed off,

Verity smiled, "Only one or two dates, per his mothers' request. But he has never had a girlfriend. most wolves don't but it's common knowledge that the King has been saving himself for his mate in every way possible. So you really don't have a reason to be nervous."

"I know, I know it's just... well I don't even know." I mused, "I wonder if he made the effort to go ask my older brothers. God, they'll be mad at him if he hasn't."

"When was the last time you saw your brothers again? It would have been before you got hospitalized no?" Haven asked, fixing up the sheets on my bed.

I nodded sadly, "Yeah. I guessed that they would need Maddox's permission to enter, and I don't want to ask. He'll probably say no."

"To his mate?" Faith inquired with a rained eyebrow, 

"Well, my brothers can be quite rude and outspoken. Plus, the only reason I'm here is because I'm his mate, the rest of the humans here are in employment. I feel as if I would be asking too much," I admitted, "I do really miss them though."

"Well, the purpose of a date is to get to know them and make conversation, just try asking him, I would bet anything on him saying 'Sure, no problem!'" Verity suggested.

"Maybe I will."

My eyes stayed on the clock, the slow ticking causing my heart to beat faster and faster at every moment.

And then I heard it, the knocking from the door. I tried to take a breath, I was being dramatic, it was just a date. The door opened and revealed Maddox, casually standing in the doorframe with his hands behind his back. He was dressed casually too, black skinny jeans and a dark blue button-up shirt. His hair was left untouched, bouncing up on top of his head. While his clothes were casual, he still looked as regal and royal as ever.

"Good afternoon ladies, Elora, are you ready to go?" He asked me, 

I nodded, but my feet seemed firmly planted on the floor. With a shove from one of my ladies, I was able to start making my way in his direction. I closed the door behind me,

Maddox brought his hand out from behind his back, a gorgeous, white lily in his hand.

"For you," He handed the flower over in my direction. I gently took it from his hands,

"Thank you, it's beautiful," I whispered, tucking the flower behind my ear, letting the stem get caught amongst my tresses.

"Shall we?" Maddox extended his hand and I carefully took it, letting him lead me gently out of the hallways and into the main foyer. From there, we left the castle entirely, walking out into the main courtyard where a large, sleek car was waiting. The same car that we had taken from the hospital to here at the palace.

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