- Chapter One -

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Semiloore groaned as she pulled the boxes upstairs and kicked open a door.

"Don't break the door sweetie" Mrs Ajayi hollered and Semiloore just huffed.
"A door doesn't cost that much" Tamiloore replied as she dragged her own boxes up and opened the next door.

"We aren't sharing the same room?" Semiloore asked her twin sister.
"Unfortunately no" Tamiloore replied as she slipped into her room and closed the door. Semiloore huffed as she kicked the door close.

"Sweetie" Mrs Ajayi hollered again.
"It won't come off" Semiloore hollered back as she took in her new room.

"This isn't as awesome as my former room" Semiloore said to herself as she started making the room her little paradise.

She brought out her MP3 player and connected it to her iPhone Bluetooth and soon Shut Up and Dance by Jason Derulo was blaring through the duplex.

Semiloore danced and swung her hips as she hung her clothes. She put up a huge poster and she smiled at the poster as she glanced at her new paradise. The door opened and Tamiloore waddled inside. She walked to the MP3 player and reduced the volume.

"Nice paradise" Tamiloore said as she plopped on the bed and her eyes scanned the room.

She smiled as she turned to Semiloore "You brought this poster along?" Tamiloore asked.
"Yh!" Semiloore replied with pride and sat beside her twin sister.

"Akure is eerily quiet" Tamiloore commented as Semiloore loosened her shoe lace.

"I kinda like it, its not like the busting and noisy Lag but the quietness of this town is actually comfortable" Semiloore replied.

"Yeah" Tamiloore nodded her head agreeing.

Semiloore walked to where her bag was and unzipped it. She brought out her laptop and walked to her reading table.

"What do you want to do?" Tamiloore asked
"I downloaded the last Season of Criminal Minds last night" Semiloore replied sitting down.

"I'll go bring my hard drive and collect it" Tamiloore said raising from the bed.
"Okay" Semiloore replied her eyes still fixed on her laptop.

"Girls" a voice said as the door opened.
"Yes mom" Semiloore replied.

"Let's get something to eat" Mrs Ajayi said.
"What?" Tamiloore asked.

"Maybe rice" Mrs Ajayi replied.
"Have you filled the gas?" Semiloore asked as Mrs Ajayi sighed.

"I totally forgot, I'll go fill it now" Mrs Ajayi replied.
"You appear tired,you should rest,Tamiloore and I will take garri" Semiloore added.

"Will you guys be okay with that?" Mrs Ajayi asked with a look of concern.
"Yes, of course" Semiloore replied as Tamiloore gave her a reassuring smile.

They both walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen. Semiloore searched frantically everywhere but couldn't find either sugar or groundnut.

"What the hell? Are we supposed to take the garri plain?" Semiloore asked no one in particular.

"I think I saw an open shop earlier, let's just go get it, that way we'll take a better look at our street" Tamiloore offered.
"Okay, let me take my phone upstairs" Semiloore said as she ran upstairs and was back almost immediately.
"I told mom, let's go" Semiloore added her breathing hitched a little.

They both walked out of the house and stood outside looking sideways
"Why I do I feel like we look like lost fools right now?" Semiloore asked sarcastically.

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