Chapter Twenty Four

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Oxford has never been in confusion as that morning. Results were pasted but SS2 science result wasn't pasted since they weren't around but the Arts and Commercial classes result were posted. But there was a big shock lying for everyone when the result was pasted.


That was the first name on the list and she had a total of 89 points while Theo who had followed had 82 points.

Everyone was shocked. A newbie? SS3 students started asking if she was that good and her classmates did admit that she answered questions quite well,wrote her notes and listened attentively in class but no one had expected her to be such a brilliant person although she had come from Hicol Lag.

Tamiloore sat in the class fidgeting with her fingers. She swallowed her saliva as she shook her head slowly;maybe everyone was going to hate her too now.

Theo entered the class with a big smile, "Why the face? Congratulations!"

"Yeah! Congratulations"

Tamiloore smiled nervously as everyone greeted her as she scanned their faces,they were actually sincere.

"You guys don't hate me?" She nervously asked as they looked at her puzzled.

"Tamiloore? Hate you?"

"Babes,you are overthinking this"

"Why would we hate you?"

"You are such a darling" Fisayo purred and everyone laughed as Theo hugged her.

"Seems like we all have to work hard"


A wave of relief swept over Tamiloore as she continued talking with her friends.
"Hey Tamiloore"

"Snr Akin" Tamiloore greeted.

"How are you?" Akin asked.

"I'm fine,what about you?" Tamiloore replied.

"All good" Akin said and Tamiloore nodded.

"Congratulations, I heard" he added.

Tamiloore smiled "Thank you"

"I'll say its an achievement" Akin said.

"Its not actually much of a big deal though" Tamiloore said lightly.

"Its not much of a big deal?" Akin asked surprised.

"Yeah. Not really" Tamiloore confirmed.

Akin laughed softly "Okay we'll see about that"


Akin nodded and started walking away. He suddenly stopped and turned "Tamiloore?" He called and Tamiloore turned swiftly to him.


"You should smile more often, you are pretty when you smile" Akin said with a smile.

Before she could react,Akin had turned on the corridors. Tamiloore turned red immediately.

"I heard that" Theo teased while Tamiloore blushed.

"So don't remind me" Tamiloore said.

"You like him that much?" Theo asked.

Tamiloore laughed quietly "Just a crush,will go away soon"

"This one doesn't look like its going away anytime soon" Theo replied "And besides did you hear he asked around for your number?" Theo asked.

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