Chapter Thirty

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Everyone in the bus was talking about Semiloore.

"Her voice is pretty" someone commented.

"Like seriously" another one added.

Nathaniel was watching a video when Semiloore jumped on the seat next to him.

"Is that the video?" Semiloore asked.

"Yes" Nathaniel replied.

"Let me see" Semiloore said as Nathaniel turned the laptop to her. Semiloore smiled cheekily as she watched it.

"I looked like their elder sister" Semiloore said with a huge smile.

Nathaniel chuckled "Right" Nathaniel said.

Semiloore pouted in return but Nathaniel didn't even spare her a glance.

"You were awesome back there" Nathaniel said.

"Huh? Is that Nath the Great speaking? I got complimented by him?" Semiloore asked playfully.

Even Nath couldn't hold his laughter as well as others.

"You were really great, especially how you replied Ayobami" Nathaniel replied.

"You think that was okay?" Semiloore asked.

"It was fine. A lot of people wouldn't be able to give an answer to those kinds of questions but you found a perfect one" Nathaniel commented.

Semiloore smiled at Nathaniel "I thought my reply was stupid that he just believed it because he trusts me" Semiloore said with a small smile.

"Nah,even the teachers were surprised at reply. But then are you really going to come back? I mean this Christmas?" Nathaniel asked.

"Yeah,I will" Semiloore replied nodding her head.

"Whoa!" Nathaniel said in surprise.

Nathaniel nodded as he turned back to his laptop his eyepiece in his ears. Semiloore turned to him as his lean,long fingers ran over the keyboard. His pink lips moved once in a while as his face wore no expression.

At first, Nathaniel was just a hot and a very hot guy to her. Just a slight crush,something that rarely happened to her. She never really liked guys that much. Even if she had a crush on someone it would disappear in matter of days but Nathaniel?

It was very much different,it was like each time she saw him;she started crushing on him over again. He was like a magnet and he kept pulling her closer,closer and closer.

And for this past week that she had shared her burden with him,she hadn't felt so much calm for a while. He easily understood her and didn't ask questions. He even gave her his shoulder to lean on,to cry on.

She wanted to be around him 297. How ironic that way but she did really like him. However much she might did,she wasn't stupid enough to force herself on someone who didn't want her.

Semiloore leaned into Nath's personal space as the other frowned.

"What is it? I already showed you the video" Nathaniel said.

"I have a question to ask" Semiloore said.

"Am listening" Nathaniel replied.

"What kind of girl do you like?" Semiloore asked her eyes slightly wide.

Nathaniel frowned as he stared at her. His eyes flew back to his laptop as he continued what he was doing.

"Why are you asking that?" Nathaniel asked.

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