Chapter Forty Two

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John had sat down beside Maria as Semiloore entered the bus.

"Why are you on my seat?" She asked and John turned to her.

"Your boyfriend has chased me from my seat"

Semiloore turned red as she stretched to playfully slap John on the arm.

"So there's nowhere you could seat again?"

"Awey jare"

Semiloore walked to the back as she sat down beside Nathaniel, "Why chase John away?"

"I wanted to seat beside you"

Semiloore turned a deeper shade of red.

When did he become this forward?

"She's blushing oo" Nathaniel teased as Semiloore kept turning a deeper shade of red.

"Stop it jare" she said.

"Roger that ma"

Semiloore laughed as Nathaniel stopped.

The days had gone by quickly and exams were fast approaching.

"A lot of competitions are around the corner. Will Semiloore be able to cope?"

"Are you seriously doubting Semiloore abilities right now?"

"No, I don't want her to be stressed"

"Guys don't worry. We are doing this together" Semiloore said.

"We haven't convinced the H.O.D of student affairs to leave the competition to SS2 students"

"I told you. That's easy"

"What about the debate?"

"Let's go meet Principal Adeyemi, he won't bat an eyelid before saying Tamiloore should go instead of that jerk"

"Why are you so confident about all these?"

"Just watch. I'm not stupid"

"Of course"

"Guys gather round" Semiloore said with a clap while everyone shuffled closer to Semiloore.

"We have about six competitions aside from cowbellpedia and I can't be at all the six, am not that selfish. So am going to take a few people and train with them"


"The rest of you guys read hard for the exam"


"Joshua, Nath, Jerry and Rolake" Semiloore said.

"You are choosing me?" Rolake asked surprised.

Semiloore smiled in reply "We need you"

"Just four people?"

"I would have loved to choose everyone from my class but I need to involve O1 and F class"

"You don't need to involve F class"

"Because they are stupid doesn't mean they aren't brilliant"

"I know"

"I want everyone to prepare hard because I understand that at least two people are supposed to represent and extras are taken along. Any one could be the extra"

"This is more like a war"

Semiloore chuckled "You think this isn't? Hicol Lag have been leading champions in almost everything and they still are except for volleyball for now"

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