Chapter Nine

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Nathaniel frowned as he walked through the hallways to the physics department. They had submitted their assignment notes and they had been returned.

Surprisingly he had missed number 4 of the assignment. He greeted a few teachers as he passed through the teachers offices. He knocked on Mr Abraham's door.

"Come in"

Nathaniel stepped in "Good afternoon sir" Nathaniel greeted.

"Go and ask Semiloore to explain to to everybody, I'm even surprised you got it wrong" Mr Abraham said.

Nathaniel frown widened as he swallowed his saliva and before walking out.

Nathaniel entered the class just in time to hear the news of what had transpired on SS3 block. Nathaniel gritted his teeth;couldn't she just stay put without causing trouble for a minute?

Semiloore soon walked in with Tamiloore:
"Your wide big mouth is gonna land you some beating one day" Rolake sneered.

"I thought we agreed on you looking for your match to bicker with?" Tamiloore replied as she turned towards Rolake.

"Or tell me; are you that jobless that you have nothing else to do than bicker?" Tamiloore asked with a stern face.

Rolake swallowed her saliva and sat down
"Can't you just stay put without looking for trouble? Even if its for a minute" Nathaniel muttered with a frown but Semiloore ignored him and turned to Tamiloore.

"I saw your government teacher walk in when we were coming, I'm fine" Semiloore said as Tamiloore nodded.

"Okay" Tamiloore said before giving Nathaniel an apologetic smile and left.

"Well Mr Abraham said to explain to the class number 4 physics assignment, everyone missed it except you" Nathaniel said with a sigh.

"Huh?" Semiloore asked.

"You heard me Semiloore" Nathaniel said.

"I'm serious, I didn't" Semiloore said defensively.

"Mr Abraham said explain to the whole class number 4" Nathaniel repeated.

"Why me?" Semiloore asked with a frown.

"Everyone else missed it" Naghniel replied.

"Eheh... " Semiloore replied her playful demeanour coming back.

"Make it snappy" Nathaniel said.
The class captain stretched the marker towards Semiloore who jumped to the front earning a bit of laughter from a few people.

"I'm not going to sit down and let you teach me!" Rolake yelled.

"What do you even know?" Yemi asked.

"She probably copied it from somewhere" Faith added.

"What's your problem bayi?" John asked.

"Can't just you use your sense for once?" John asked again.

"Its not like she has one" Semiloore chipped in.

"Better warn yourself" Faith said with a glint in her eyes.

"Since you guys aren't staying, why don't you leave and let me do what I need to do, my legs are aching me" Semiloore said with a yawn.

"Rolake just likes acting over bearing sometimes even Jerry and Nath is sitting down, what's her problem?" A girl said.

Rolake swallowex her saliva when she heard the girl talking.  She sat down quietly and so does Faith and Yemi.

Semiloore explained to everyone and re-explained to them when a few say they don't understand.

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