Enter The Last Ninetailed Fox

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The Yin and Yang sign with the purple pentagram is Kado's clan, The Ninetea Clan Symbol.
On the back of his kimono between his shoulder blades that symbol is stitched into his kimono.


I walk into a village to get supplies, getting weird looks from humans.
"Look isn't that a Ninetailed Fox Demon?"
I heard a man ask a woman.

"Yeah, but aren't they supposed to be extinct?"
Another human asked another.

"Maybe he is the last one?"
Another human asked another.

"To be the last of his kind I bet it gets lonely to be honest."
Another human mutters.

I sigh, going to a seller of produce who frowned at me.
"I don't serve demons boy."

"Have a heart sir to feed a starving young boy."
I tell him, doing my puppy dog eyed  look.

He shook his head, and bops me on my head with a stick, making me glare at him.
"No demons will be served here!
Now get!"
He snarled out, and I walk away, and leave out of this village, sighing as my stomach rumbled.

Looks like I'll have to catch my dinner yet again.
I'm royalty, literal royalty and the prince of my clan, and I have been scavenging for fifty years!
All because humans killed my entire clan.
If I hadn't of been sent on a demon hunt then I would be dead too though.
My clan is known for hunting other demons too.
Other clans like mine died out too, so I'm the last male Ninetailed Fox Demon.
Who though is 90 years old has a body of a thirteen year old.
But I'm fully matured though, and I am an adult dammit!
Humans are cruel like that damn bastard of a peddler!
I'm starving man!
I mentally rant as I scowl, as I walk into the forest, and heard a scream, a child's scream.

"Rin you dumb girl!"
I heard a squawking voice snarl out.

"Jaken help!"
I heard a little girl scream.

Instinct took over, as I ran at super speed, using my energy sensing abilities to find the girl, putting two fingers in a hand sign straight up in front of my mouth.
"Fox Magic!
Fox Fire Teleportation Technique!"
I was surrounded by blue Fox Fire and disappeared, then reappeared in front of a human female child, who was laying on her side, her ankle hurt, and a big demon with a mallet, with blue skin and red horns, slamming his mallet down, and with two fingers I caught the mallet, the giant demon struggling to slam it down, and I smirk.
"I'm not easily to kill you big stinky brute."
I mock the demon, making him snarl.

"Damn boy!
The child is mine to devour!"
He snarled out.

"No mortal flesh for you."
I sneer up at him.
"Fox Magic!
Blue flames engulfed the giant blue red horned demon, and he screamed in pain, as he turned into a pile of black ash before me, the pile of ash bigger than me.

I look at the girl over my shoulder, seeing her trembling at the sight of me.
I turn to her, kneeling down.
"It's okay.
I'm a friend."
I tell her, putting my hand above her hurt twisted ankle.
"Fox Magic.
Healing Remedy."
I say as pink flames engulfed her ankle, and she blinked.

"It don't hurt."
She exclaimed in shock.

I smile at her.
"This Fox Magic only heals."

I put another hand out.
"Fox Magic....
Summoning Flute."
I murmur, as a blue wooden whistle with a fox head appeared in my other hand.
I hold it out to her.
"If you get in trouble again, blow this whistle, and I'll come to you like I did before, and save you."
I hand it to her.

The Last Ninetails {Inuyasha Fanfic Yaoi(17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now