Protecting You

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Another yet awesome chapter for you guys enjoy......

I groan as my body felt hot, and I felt a cold cloth on my forehead, me feeling naked underneath something soft over my body.
I slowly open my different colored  eyes, seeing I'm in an abandoned shrine, and I heard a creature groan out a huff, making me turn my head to the noise, seeing that Rin child feeding a dragon creature with two heads, and the green imp next to her.
I look up at the ceiling, and a hot shiver goes through my body, and I knew I had a fever from that purple fog that went in my lungs.
I felt warm fingers caress my cheek, making skittering shocks go through my cheek.
I open my eyes again, looking to my right, seeing Sesshomaru kneeling next to me, holding a green pill ball.
"Eat this.
It will disperse the poison from within, and heal your fever."
Sesshomaru tells me, and hand fed me the green ball pill, which I chewed it, and swallow it down.
It tasted awful, but if it tastes bad I've learned from my mother that the medicine works.

Once I finished swallowing it down I say.
"Thank you Sesshomaru."

"You reek of Naraku."
Sesshomaru tells me.

"Naraku that bastard claimed he killed my clan.
All because he desired me and my parents refused to give me to him."
I tell Sesshomaru.
"He was about to force his whims on me when his castle was seiged."
I tell Sesshomaru.
"I don't want the killer of my people desiring me like that nor even touch me in such defiling ways."
I say glaring up at the ceiling.

"Naraku desires you as a mate then.....
Then I shall keep his filthy hands off you.
I do not want him touching a boy who he killed his clan for just so he desired him without your consent."
Sesshomaru tells me.
"Rest for now.
You may travel with me for your safety, to be safe from Naraku."
Sesshomaru stands up and walked over to the imp.
"Watch over him Jaken."
Sesshomaru tells the imp.

The imp he called Jaken nods.
Sesshomaru then disappeared beyond some trees away from the broken down shrine.
I close my eyes, and fell asleep again, my body sweating off my fever as I slept.
I pant as I sleep, and felt fingers dab something cool on my whole body, wiping sweat off me in my sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but I woke up to the same ceiling of the shrine upon my different colored gaze.
I felt utterly sweaty, felt utterly filthy.
I slowly sit up, the blanket falling down to my slim tiny hips, as my right hand was on my face.
I groan and tense up, scenting Sesshomaru enter the room, making me look up at him, watching him walk to sit next to me, holding a wooden bowel full of rice.
He holds out the bowel of rice and some chopsticks.

I nod as a thank you, taking the bowel of rice from him, and began chowing down eating slowly.
Sesshomaru watched me eat.
I swallow down my first bite.
"Aren't you hungry?"

"No, I already have eaten."
Sesshomaru tells me.

"Were you serious about keeping me around?"
I ask taking another bite of some rice.

Sesshomaru trailed his golden eyes down my slim nape, slim small chest, slim stomach, and back up to my face.
Sesshomaru cleared his throat, avoiding looking at me, now rubbing the back of his nape with one hand.

I noticed he was missing an arm.
"What happened to your left arm?"

"My half-demon sibling chopped it off."
Sesshomaru tells me.

"I'm sorry that happened."
I admit to him, feeling for him.
"Thank you for saving me yet again.
For a dog demon you have a kind side, though I can tell you hate to show it, to show weakness."
I tell him, eating all the rice up, and hand him the bowel.
I lick my lips since I'm thirsty now.
Sesshomaru handed me a cup of tea, which I eagerly took, and sipped it, the tea tasted like it had medicine in it.
"This tea has herbs in it."
I tell Sesshomaru.

The Last Ninetails {Inuyasha Fanfic Yaoi(17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now