❤️🐶A Dog's Love For A Fox🦊❤️

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Warning mature content ahead you have been warned!


We set out for Sesshomaru's brother's village, the village that a priestess I heard protected The Shikon No Tama, or The Sacred Jewel, and the priestess died protecting it.
But now this Naraku wants to taint the Sacred Jewel, turning it evil.
Which everyone wants to stop him.
Inuyasha wants to stop him, so does his friends, and Sesshomaru too, all these people is all I know that wants to stop Naraku.
This Naraku killed my parents, my baby sister Nana, my sister I promised I'd protect and I never could keep her safe.
I failed her, but with avenging my parents and Nana I will be at peace upon the day I do die as well.
The journey was a long one, but we made it to lands that flourished with more water than where we were, and I couldn't wait to enjoy a dip in the hot springs I heard about from humans that we passed by in a village we went through.
Sesshomaru didn't notice my excitement, so I wanted to ask him to stop by the hot springs.

So while we walked side by side I ask.
"Um....Sesshomaru would it be okay to stop by some hot springs I heard humans talk about ahead.
They said it shouldn't be far?
I could use a good bath since I'm all sweaty and all."
I look up at Sesshomaru.

"Alright then afterwards we will continue onward on our journey."
Sesshomaru gave in, not able to resist temptation of seeing Kado naked again.
It made Sesshomaru needy wanting to see Kado's slim small body that was perfection upon perfection before his greedy golden gaze.
Sesshomaru licked his lips at his dark demented lecherous thoughts.

Thank you Sesshomaru!"
I beam a happy smile up at him.

"Hot springs?
Can I bathe too?"
Rin asked.

"Rin, it would be wrong for us to bathe with you since we are boys, and adults."
I tell her, and she frowns.
"We will have to take turns."
I tell her.

"Okay then.
Are you and Sesshomaru going in first?"
Rin asked.

I go red in my face.
I squeak out.

"But I don't get why you two get to bathe together though?"
Rin pouts.

"Because we are boys and boys aren't supposed to bathe with girls."
I tell Rin.
"You are too young to understand."
I added that on.

"Best listen to Kado Rin."
Sesshomaru scolds Rin gently.

Rin sighs giving in, but pouts her cheeks out.

I sigh at her stupid attitude, but kids will be kids am I right?

Makes me wonder if my kids will be like that?
I thought to myself.
What am I saying?!
I'm not gonna have kids yet!
I thought to myself more as I blushed madly.

"Your face is red Kado."
Sesshomaru places his hand on my forehead.
"You do not feel sick."
Sesshomaru looked at me oddly.

"I'm fine."
I move his hand away.

Sesshomaru looks away from me, I bet he was ashamed he got worried for nothing as we approached the fog filled hot springs.
Sesshomaru motions for Jaken to stay with Rin far enough away they wouldn't see us bathing.
"Keep her from seeing us Jaken.
She is too young to see males naked."
Sesshomaru tells Jaken, and Jaken nods, guiding Rin to a cave far away from the hot springs.

Sesshomaru guides me further into the hot springs, and we were just a step away from the big clear warm steamy water of the hot springs.
I began stripping from my kimono, folding it neatly beside a tree, kneeling to do so, my rump showing, along with my nine fluffy tails.
I stand up, turning around, seeing Sesshomaru naked before me, his fur pelt disappearing in a cloud of smoke off his shoulder.
His wrist had magenta stripes too like his cheeks, his kidney areas too, and his ankles.
His loins were larger than my own, void of hair.
I swallow hard as I stared at his slim yet muscular body, his slim yet muscular abdomen and chest, and slightly muscular arms, but one arm was missing at the bicep down.
I walk up to him, and he looked down at me, and I reach out, touching his arm that was just a stump on his shoulder, reaching my tippy toes up to do so.
"Do you miss it?
Your arm?"
I ask him.

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