Journey To Inuyasha's Village Part 1

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Another awesome chapter guys enjoy!!

We popped up by a lake, and I am glad I intervened, since some of the blast cut my right arm, blood dripping down to the grass, and I kneel down, putting my left hand over my bleeding arm.
Sesshomaru kneels next to me.
"Let me see."
I nod, pulling my long white and black sleeve up, revealing a gash in my arm in threes.
"We need to treat it."
Sesshomaru tells me as my arm kept bleeding badly.

"Thing is, my powers to heal can't heal me, only heal others, it's a balance of power thing mother told me."
I tell Sesshomaru as the wound did in fact hurt.

Sesshomaru looked around and sighs.
"Stay here.
I shall get supplies."
Sesshomaru darts off at inhuman speed, as I leaned against a boulder, putting pressure on my wound with my small hand.

I mutter.

Waiting I did, and I heard rustling of bushes, making me tense up, and look to the noise, seeing a woman with long dark hair, wearing a red and white kimono come from the bushes.
She walks over to me, kneeling down.
I look at her with fearful eyes, sensing she was a priestess.
She reached her hand out, making me flinch.
"Easy, I only wish to help."
She smiled at me, her smile seemed lonely and sad.
She held a basket in her other hand full of herbs.
"I sensed you over yonder.
You are having issues holding your aura, which makes you glow brightly to a priestess like me."
She took a bowel in her basket, and filled it up with water, then took several cloths from her inner kimono area, and used one to dab my wound, making me tear up since it hurt, and tears go down my cheeks.
"My name is Kikyo."
She says as she cleaned my wound, then took a needle and twine, and began stitching it up.

"I'm Kado Of The Ninetea Clan."
I tell her, as I turn my head away to not look at the needle, since I was a child I had a phobia of spiders, bees, and needles.

"The Ninetea Clan?
I have heard of them.
That Ninetailed Fox Clan descended from the gods."
Kikyo says to distract me I bet from my phobia of needles.

"My clan was killed by a demon who desired me called Naraku.
I'm trying to avenge my clan, and I hate Naraku, and yet he is desiring me, but I do not desire him.
I'm the last Ninetailed Fox in this world."
I tell Kikyo.

I know of him."
Kikyo tells me.

She cuts the twine with her teeth after stitching all three gashes up, and then puts green herbal goo on them, then tied a clean cloth on my wound.
"Thank you Kikyo.
But why do you smell of graveyard dirt and clay?"
I ask her.

"I was brought back from the dead."
Kikyo tells me.

"By demon magic I bet."
I tell her.
"Mother told me that is a sin against nature, using demon magic to bring back the dead into what you are.
It is forbidden demon magic in my clan.
Mother told me when that person does who committed forbidden sin of that demon magic, they burn in hell for eternity."
I tell Kikyo.
"But when the soul of the one that is brought back finally is released, that soul finds peace in the heavens."
I add that onto what I said to Kikyo.
"When you finally die Kikyo you will find peace."
I smile at her.
"I just know you will.
You are a kind soul, so you will."

Kikyo chuckles and nods.
"Yes I do hope so Kado."

I sniff, scenting out Sesshomaru approaching.
"You best leave, my comrade may not like you being here."
I tell her, fretting over Sesshomaru approaching.

"I understand.
Your friend is very protective.
Then I shall leave.
It was nice meeting you Kado."
Kikyo smiled at me, gathering her things, and I watch as soul collectors pick her up, and she disappeared into the sky.

The Last Ninetails {Inuyasha Fanfic Yaoi(17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now