The Unbearable Truth Spilled

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Another chapter is up guys.....

I stop resting for the night after a long run to where I needed to go, and lay against a tree, sighing in content as I ate my fill of grilled fish I had earlier.
I close my eyes, laying against the tree, and fell completely to sleep.

What woke me up was fingers caressing my slim small chest, making me open my eyes, seeing a human sneering at me, a male Ronin, a bad one I could tell was forced out of his clan for something bad.
He had my wrists tied over a limb, and he stripped me of my kimono easily, and was sliding one hand between my thighs, and chuckled insanely.
"Unhand me you filthy human!"
I shout, looking to the ropes, and I couldn't break free, they were laced with Fox Vein, a plant that weakens and burns my kind.
My skin began burning on my wrists, making me cry out in pain.
"Someone help!"
I shout, since this Ronin was undressing himself and was about to enter inside my anus, when a hand grabs him by his hair, tugging him away, and I watch as a male with silver long rear length hair, and smelled of dog rip this Ronin's heart out.
Blood gushed to the grass, and my pulse raced at seeing this.

I closed my thighs to hide my nakedness, but it did little good, as this male with golden eyes with black slits looked upon me, and he walks over to me, and sliced the ropes off my wrists, and I sit up breathing hard.
I flinch, since my wrists were blackened with burns from the ropes.
"T....thank you."
I nod to him, and I reach for my discarded kimono, and pull it on.

"I am only returning the favor of you saving Rin boy."
This male dog demon tells me.

"That child was your companion then...figures."
I say to him, and once I was fully dressed I turned to him.
"Can I have your name?"
I look up at him.

He tells me.

"I am Kado of The Ninetea Clan."
I tell Sesshomaru, making him look to me finally and blink.

"The Ninetea Clan?
I thought they died out?"
Sesshomaru asked.

"I'm the last one."
I tell Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru comments.

"Yes, and Sesshomaru I will repay you for saving me somehow."
I tell him, my hands on my hips, then I point up at him with my right hand.
"You better let me too!"

I noticed the sun was high overhead, and Sesshomaru merely turns away.
"Do as you please."
Sesshomaru says arrogantly, and walks away, and I follow him.
"Why follow me?"

"A Fox's Honor.
My Fox Honor, tells me to follow you until I repay my debt.
It's how my Clan does things.
I still follow The Ninetea Clan's customs, so you know."
I tell Sesshomaru, and began licking my burned wrists.
"Fox Vein burns and he knew to lace it with Fox Vein.
How he knew where to get it is beyond me because my clan burned the tree that produced it."
I tell Sesshomaru, and he kept walking, staying silent.
I then remembered my mission.
My mission!"
I look to Sesshomaru.
"I'll meet up with you.
I know your energy and scent so I'll return, until next time dog boy!"
I wave to him with two fingers, then disappeared in blue flames.

"Strange boy."
Sesshomaru murmurs.

Yet I like his wit.
Sesshomaru thought to himself.
Reminds me of a little fox I knew long ago sixty years ago.

I popped up in the area where I'm supposed to be, scaring the crap out of guards.
Are you the Fox Demon hired for us?!"
The guards snarled, pointing their spears at me, and I waved my hand, and they turned to roses.

The Last Ninetails {Inuyasha Fanfic Yaoi(17-18+}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat