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My eyes fluttered open after what felt like decades of writhing in pain. I sat up quickly and ran my fingers through my hair before I took a deep breath in and looked around. I noticed Emmett studying my every movement.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Do you not remember what happened?" His eyes widened.

I thought about it for a moment, I tried to remember anything aside from the pain that I had felt. I then shook my head.

"It was dark, almost silent, and I was in a lot of pain," I looked around the room.

"What do you mean by almost silent?" He questioned.

"I think I heard light singing," I looked back at him in confusion.

He grabbed me and wrapped me up in a large embrace, "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"Emmett, what happened?"

"Rosalie... She attacked you and changed you."

At the mention of being changed, everything set in. The last few days of pure torture and agony replayed before me and I felt a sensation I had only felt a few times before. I grasped at my throat and tried to clear it, it felt like I needed a gallon of water.

I jumped out of bed, much too quickly, and rushed towards the bathroom sink where I drank handfuls of water and found no relief. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that a lot had changed. My hair was longer and thicker, my cheekbones and jawline were more defined, my face looked skinnier, and my eyes looked blood red.

"Why do I feel so dehydrated?" I fumed as I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail to get it out of my face.

"Here, try this," Carlisle came into the room and handed me a rum glass full of a thick, red liquid.

"What is this?" I asked as I took the glass.

"Animal blood, it's a diet we all conform to," he said with a smile.

"Shit, as long as it's not my neighbour," I shrugged and knocked back the glass as quickly as I could.

The burning sensation dulled slightly and I felt like a plant that had been watered. I placed the glass on the top of my dresser and leant over to look at myself in the mirror. I could logically understand how everything had happened, but I felt a weird feeling in my core.

"This is weird," I pushed off of my dresser and walked down to the kitchen at a quicker pace than I had been used to.

Somehow, even though I felt similar to a doe learning to understand its existence, I still moved gracefully as I retrieved a new glass from the liquor cabinet and poured myself some whisky. I sat on the counter as I drank it, but eventually, I had to move the bottle over to me so that I could continue to pour drinks for myself.

I could hear Emmett and Carlisle whispering to each other on the top floor in regards to my sanity. I then heard two pairs of footprints approach me slowly. I decided to speak before they reached me, to confirm that I hadn't completely lost it.

"If there's input, doesn't there technically have to be output, too? I've never seen any of you use the restroom," I wondered.

"In theory, but I still don't quite understand why vampires don't void when we intake liquid on a semi-regular basis," Carlisle answered.

"Interesting concept, too bad there isn't a way to study it," I shrugged and looked around the room.

"How are you feeling?" Emmett approached me cautiously.

"How many times must I remind you, I don't have emotions. However, I am slightly irritated that the both of you are walking on eggshells around me."

The two of them looked at each other and shared an expression that I could identify easily as a slight concern. Then I looked closer at Emmett, I studied him for a moment. A wave of dizziness came over me and I grasped the counter to keep myself from swaying. I looked back at him and received a large amount of information that I had never been told before.

I looked at Carlisle to test and see if it worked on anyone. I studied him for a moment, the two looked at me with a great deal of confusion before the dizziness hit me again and I received every piece of information about Carlisle that I would ever need to know.

"There's a lot you haven't told me about yourselves," I stated and sipped at my drink.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Emmett questioned.

"Well, my Lanta, you were quite the player in Gatlinburg. You had two older brothers, you were very close with your mother but not at all with your father. Your best friend was rather beautiful. She was very sweet, too. She has two living relatives, they both reside in Miami, you still check on them every so often," I read him like an open profile and his jaw dropped.

"How do you know any of that?" He asked.

I shook myself out of my trance, "I don't really know. I just looked at you, got a bit dizzy, and then knew everything about you and your life."

"Does it work with multiple people?" Carlisle questioned.

"You grew up in middle England, your mother passed away during childbirth with you, your father was quite the religious extremist that led missions to find and exterminate any supernatural creature. You were to take over for him when you turned of age, but your compassion held you back. Your wit, however, led you straight to a coven that lived in the sewers.

"You lived on your own for a rather challenging two centuries before you visited with a group called the Volturi for several years before exploring the states and finding the rest of your family. Because of your compassion and your experience, you find it very easy to resist bloodlust around humans as they are projects to be fixed, mended, and healed," I rounded off without even thinking.

"Honestly, I'm not all that shocked, she was an excellent profiler before hand. Now she just has an incredible talent," Carlisle marvelled.

"Well, at least one cool thing came with this," I shrugged.

"There might be another," Emmett spoke up.

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