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Emmett and I sat next to Carlisle and Esme as we watched the rest of the family matriculate high school for yet another time. I felt bad for them, they had to sit through the same classes over and over again just to keep up appearances. I knew that if I stayed with the family, I would be bound to endure the same torture. I just hoped that I was old enough to at least possess a bachelor's degree.

Emmett nudged me lightly and started to sign low enough so that it was only visible to myself and his parents if they so wished to observe.

Are you all right? He asked.

I'm fine, why do you ask? I replied.

You look lost in thought, he answered.

"Her wheels are always turning," Carlisle chuckled in a low whisper.

"Fair point," Emmett nodded and continued watching as his little sister, Alice, walked across the stage for what could have been upwards of her twelfth time doing so.

After a few more minutes, as the graduating class was not large at all, the list reached Bella's name and she retrieved her diploma. Her father stood up and clapped excitedly, he was very proud. He had the right to be, she was his only daughter; and only child at that.

I applauded out of respect, even though at that point I had to come to the realisation that she would certainly be repeating high school again at some point in her life. There were four more people after Bella and then her friend, Jessica, gave a motivational speech about how they should all make mistakes because of how short life was.

I found this to be quite comical. It was similar to when you were going through a rough patch in life and then you went to see a movie that basically told you how wrong you were doing things. I saw it more as a trashy use of natural foreshadowing and warning, and anyways, she wouldn't pay attention to it even though it was a flashing neon sign right in front of her face.

After the students tossed their caps into the air, families started filtering out of the gym and into the parking lot behind it. Emmett and I walked out together to go find Alice and Jasper, he wove his fingers through mine and placed a kiss on my cheek while we made our way through the doors.

We both loved Edward as a brother, but we didn't always enjoy being around him. I didn't know him before he had Bella, but it was obvious that she had changed him, and it wasn't necessarily for the better. Edward had also made it rather clear that he preferred Emmett over Jasper and neither of us thought that that was even remotely appropriate.

We found the two rather shortly and stood in a circle as Carlisle and Esme joined us. After a few moments of small talk and quick jokes, Bella and Edward came our way. I looked over to Carlisle and caught his attention simply by shifting my gaze.

"Could I ride with you on the way home? I need a chat," I explained.

"Absolutely," he smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and turned to kiss Emmett's cheek, "I'll see you soon."

He nodded and Carlisle and I walked over to his black Mercedes- which, I'm pretty sure, was the only one in town so you knew who he was whenever you saw the car. We took our seats in the vehicle and both of us waited until we were on the road before we started a conversation.

"What is it that you'd like to talk about?" Carlisle questioned.

I hesitated for a moment, "Don't judge me, okay?"

"I never do," he smiled.

"Okay... Um... So, emotions, yeah?" I stumbled. Even as an angelic creature, I stumbled. "I mean... Ugh, they're gross. They don't make sense to me," I whined. "Okay. I know Emmett's upset about something, but I don't know how to ask about it. I mean, I seriously don't know how. Everyone always called me an asshole because of how I dealt with them when they came to me.

"Every time I listen to someone's problems, my immediate response is to analyse their complaints and explain a logical way to solve them. Apparently, that's not how people like to deal with their issues, I just don't understand it."

Carlisle chuckled lightly, "You remind me of a couple of people I once knew. You may know them by name- Nikola Tesla and Charles Darwin."

"Wait, you knew those people? Like knew them?" I was shocked.

"Yes, they were colleagues of mine years ago. They both had similar cognitive processes that somewhat mirror your own. It may be rather obvious that they both had your personality type, as well. Both had problems with interacting social for quite the same reason. They only thought in logic and science and could not understand human emotions.

"While many people see this as very wrong, it is merely different. However, Annora, I do believe you have quite the capability to understand and possess emotions. Here is something you should know, it will save you years, maybe even decades of time and stress. Sometimes when people are upset, sad, you have to let them be sad.

"With Emmett, he rarely gets upset. By rarely, I mean maybe once every few decades. When he's upset you must listen to what he has to say, be there for him, and then ask if he would like help. As long as you listen and sit there with him without immediately offering aid, everything should go smoothly," he smiled as we pulled up to the house.

"Thank you so much," I responded and then got out of the car.

"Anytime, Annora. You know I consider you a daughter of mine," he admitted.

I froze and looked up at him, tears brimmed my eyes but refused to fall, "Thank you," was all I could speak.

He smiled and put his arm around my shoulder, "Let's go inside, Alice may need help setting up for tonight."

I nodded, "I may just be hiding out in Emmett's room all night, I'm certainly not a people person."

"You want to go into medicine, though?"

"Forensic pathology, medicine without having to deal with people."

"Ah, the perfect career for you," he agreed before we walked into the living room and came to the rest of the family.

Annora |E. Cullen|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें