Chapter Fifteen

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T/n: hello

we get to know a little bit about Silver and her crew


Chapter Fifteen

I let out a breath as I finished an infuriating novel that featured not one, but two, unnecessary love triangles. It almost pissed me off to the extent that I was going to stop but I have nothing better to do. So, I'm left feeling irritated and empty because of the book.

Two days passed quietly. I spent my time leafing through the books from the giftshop and most of which were irritating romance drivel or cookbooks that I wouldn't be able to put into practise until I get my hands on a blowtorch. Liam seemed to be doing just fine as well...

Which meant that my reason for being here is diminishing and I really wanted to move on. But there hasn't been any news of Skull. I know that Liam is still too weak by himself but what more do they want from me at this point? Waiting around was driving me insane. That looming death clock hanged above my head especially heavy on days where I'm idle. I admit it. I'm scared of dying like that. Especially if it's so gradual that you're losing yourself piece by ashen piece. I was close to physical maturity. It could range between a year to eight years left of my life. And that's me alone. There are a few others who have way less time that I do. We've gone from almost a century of promised life to roughly twenty-five...that basically taking away three quarters....

I chuck the book down on the coffee table, almost knocking my pens and maps onto the floor, and go for the next book near me. I have to shake away these thoughts.

"Must have been a real page tuner." I recognise Silver's voice before noticing her sitting down on the sofa opposite me. She notices that she has my attention and she smiles back.

"What are you doing here?"

She shrugs, "I wanted to go for a walk. Stretch my legs. And I promised these," she reaches into her big jacket and pulls out exactly what I've been wanting for a while. The north island maps. She extends them at me and didn't even flinch when I went to take them from her.

I immediately opened them, spreading them out across the coffee table. It illustrated the major highways and cities well enough. I was shocked. The ground I had to cover for the north was bigger than roaming the south for the last four months. The distance between the cities and towns were more widespread as well.

Silver then gives me a thin book, "I also have this, I was amazed that something like it still exists in print but..." she let it hang as I take it from her and saw that it was a complete and detailed map of each city right down to their street names and general places like post-offices and hospitals.

"You're willing to part with it?" I look back to her face, this was invaluable and much more detailed than any of the general and half tattered maps that I've found and use.

"I'm not planning on going back to the North. If I do, I've already mostly memorised where everything is."

I keep flipping through the pages, seeing that there were three university campuses and asked, "Are you by yourself?"

She leans back into the sofa, getting comfortable. "Nah. Dragon and Bulldog didn't like the idea of leaving me to my own devices."

"But I thought that you wouldn't be coming around until Ghost and Skull settle things."

"I'm not one to wait around for whatever someone else wants. Besides, the time and place of our transaction has nothing to do with him. You wanted the maps, I have the maps. I was bored. You were away from that meddlesome group. I also wanted to make sure Shadow was ok."

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