6: Breakthrough and Divine Mystic Pagoda Ring

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Chapter 6: Breakthrough and Divine Mystic Pagoda Ring

After the pain lessens, she didn't know why but she fainted on the spot and her vision gradually becomes dark.

After a while, she woke up and observe the surrounding. She was on the grass near the river. And when she stands up, she saw a huge palace together with the four legendary animals in China which are the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, and the White Tiger.

She was shocked since these four animals were really legendary in every Chinese novel she read before. They are all superior in all aspects and their breed was always rare.

"Welcome to Divine Mystic Pagoda, Master," the four animals bow to Zexel as she felt too overwhelmed with what was happening. She can also feel the abundance of Qi in the place which makes her really, really excited.

"Who are you?" Zexel asked them. The Azure Dragon smiled towards her.

"Master, you can name us as you please," he replied.

Zexel smiles and let point the Azure Dragon. "Since you are color Blue I'll call you Blue. While the Tiger, I call you White, the Vermillion Bird will be Red and the Tortoise will be Black," she happily said while clapping her hand.

The four animals become shocked but after a while, they laugh and they happily accept their names. It was an English color, it was too common in the Modern Era but if they are in the Ancient Era, it will be really, really a unique name.

The four like their name since it represents their skin. But Zexel becomes confused when she can't see the legendary Phoenix.

"If you're finding the Phoenix, it was in the Divine Majestic Pagoda. It was like this space both of the space was really good," the White Tiger said.

She remembers that the modern Fan Yaoli will be transmigrating here because of that ring so she didn't mind if that ring will be in her hand. She was not greedy in nature since she was raised as a righteous person.

Plus she already has the Divine Mystic Pagoda which will help her in the future.

"May I know how this space can use?" Zexel asked them.

The tortoise went to her place and let her ride his back. He walks inside the big palace as she sees a lot of doors. Every door has a name but there is a huge space after the main door opens. The doors are all in the wall without a huge gap.

"Every door has a function that can help you to improve your self-cultivation. You can access everything now but the resources and items are all limited for now. As you upgrade, the resources and the items will upgrade. For now, all of the items inside are all ordinary," the Black tortoise said.

"The river outside was Magical spring water. It can purify yourself even your meridians will be cleaned as well if you drink there. You can also use it for bathing since you have endless spring water. It can also be used for illness and cleansing so it was really precious," The Vermillion Bird said.

"The rooms have a training room, weapon room, Armament materials and Refining Room, Alchemy Materials and Refining Room, Array materials and Refining Room. There is also a field outside for extra plants you wanted to produce. There is a music room, treasured room, rare items room, and many more, you can check it for yourself," the Azure Dragon said.

"How about the Divine Majestic Pagoda? What is it's used?" Zexel asked. She wanted to know so she can have an advantage over her sister in the next few years.

"Well, it has the same use and function to this space but the guardian was the Phoenix. He was the creature that we respect. When he was at his peak, even with the combined power of the four of us, he can still maintain his fighting ability. But now, every one of us is injured and the only for us to bring back our power is thru your cultivation process," Red said.

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