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Madalyn p.o.v

ok, school this is gonna be awkward.... I arrived at the school at it seemed well crowded or do normal schools seem this crowded? why is it so hard to tell!! ow right....I've never been to school before mostly because I don't need it I already know all the shit they've taken! self-studying is sometimes very effective but..Pete does not know that at I don't plan on him fining out..

peters p.o.v

I can't believe this is Madalyn first day of school, ugh she grew up so fast even tho I'm basically 3 days older than her it still makes me her older brother! but i could not help but laugh about how confused she looked that  i  was about to go to her but alas things had to get in the way-flash why today..

"sup pen*s parker!" he was about to punch me but just as my sister was walking to me he stopped

"whos that hottie coming next to you I was about to give you or usually beatings but I guess ill have to wait a while" I was fuming! how the hell could he talk to my sister as if she was some sort of toy to play with!!! he shoved me into the locker and put a paper on my chest "homework have it done by Sunday" i just hope Madalyn did not here any of this  god knows what she would do him.

Madalyn p.o.v

I was walking down the hall when I saw a sight I could never unsee i was so shocked i could not even move

"sup pen*s parker whos that hottie coming next to you"  he looked up and saw me hes disgusting. 

"I was about to give you or usually beatings but I guess ill have to wait a while"


he then shoved him into the locker and put a paper on my chest homework "have it done by Sunday" the hell does this boy think he is?????

I was about to go to peter but I turned around to the boy who was picking on him

i looked at him then at peter then at him then at peter


he shrugged

i looked at the boy whom is now smirking like a madman

i ignored that and looked at peter again


I pushed his hand away from peter but did not use all my strength 

but he stumbled back quite a few back and he was shocked by the strength

i looked at peter and then back at him 


by now everyone had started recording on their phones but I did not give a shit

then I looked at the boy and laughed

he looked confused

"well it seems like your parents screwed too hard to make something as messed up as you"

Peter then looked at me with wide eyes and everyone let out and "oooooooooo"

he looked so taken back and after a few seconds he said

"the f*** did you just say to me?"

"wow big words for such someone who does not know how to spell something as simple as a name, by the way, can you stand up a bit straighter my neck is starting to hurt your too short"

by now I could see the dust coming out of his ears peter then grabbed my hand and wanted to pull me away I was about to walk away since I don't want recordings of me all over the internet at the first day of school then he had to say something

"at least I'm tall enough to see a lowlife life like you"

i was boiling by now

peters hand on my got titer he's probably right...but before i go

"well at least I got a future that I'm certain of advice to you to pick up your shit" I pointed at the paper 

"and go fetch for your future if its not already lost now run along now shu shu" I treated him like a dog

"well it looks like I have someone else that will be more interesting to pick on now your lucky parker"

I scoffed

"try me "'but just to be nice I think ill give you a piece of advice.." I gave him the fakest smile ever and with a deathly sweet voice i said"go stand on top of your ego and jump down to your IQ and please tell your so-called "friends" to send me a video of it ill love to see you go down to hell" by now id think the whole school has surrounded us taking videos this is not good...

"at least my friends will hear me scream" I know he was referring to me deciding to go mute but to him, e actually thinks I'm mute

" ok now I just feel bad for them I wonder how they-

"Peter then pulled me harshly and took us to the cafeteria"

"what the hell was that!" we both said at the same time.


Tonys p.o.v


"omg, his is hilarious!

"I gotta pee!!"


is all I heard from the past 13 minutes from clint in the hallway I just had had enough of it! I stormed out of my lad to see him watching a video on the kitchen table 

"what are you doing"

"watching the most amazing video of human history"

"well keep it down will ya" I rolled my eyes and went  to make some coffee just as I was taking the first sip I heard

"well it seems like your parents screwed too hard to make something as messed up as you"

i chocked at my coffee and started laughing

"barton....what are you watching_laugh"

"so there is this mute kid who sees her friend being picked on and she stoppes it she basically is like a mini-you"

"wait mute?"


then what was that sound?....

"show me the video"

"ok, here watch...laugh"

as soon as the video finishes, I had the biggest grin on my face



"tell the other avengers to to the penthouse quick and tell them its an emergency "

"right away sir"

(20 minutes later

"whats it tony?!"capsical said

"mission" bruce banner stumbled

"Someone got killed" scott said

"Please don't tell me we have to make another funeral" Natasha enters

I smiled 

take a seat....they all looked confused but as soon as I played the video on the huge t.v they all started laughing there asses off clint was basically dying on the floor so was Scott.nat had that smirk on her face that said badass thor was just pure proud Loki was mad at the kid that was bullying the other kid but the bruce was laughing which I was shocked from because I barley even see him smile.capsical was laughing like a mad-man

"guys" Natasha spoke

"send it on the dream squad tell Madalyn this is how her first day should go" she smirked

"I smiled and send it on the group"

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