The breakdown (part 1)

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clints p.o.v

i looked at steve then at bruce

"guys we screwd up pretty bad"

"pretty bad? are you seeing this?" he pointed to the news channel then at his phone where spider-man send the message crime rates have rose at a remarkable late at a very short amount of time

"how are we supposed to fix this? he quit theres no chance to find him now"

"wait hold up look" nat pointed to the screen where spiderman was sitting

"guess they caught him before us 'huff'"

"what if we can use this as an advantage?"


"we could release an annoncement telling new-york that he is not the person we thought him out to be"

"and that will ease out the court's consequences"

"exactly" so we all picked up the phone and answered spideys message


spidey if your getting this message wich you are we are here to apologize, we did wrong you, and we should have talked more before we decided to engage


so if you would come and talk this out with us that would be helpful


we wish you luck on your court date, and we hope you get out without being sentenced

(1 hour later)



wait your kidding right? thats it? thats the 'announcement'

your kidding

this is so sad there actaully just doing this so they can ease there guilt wow*clapshands* just wow

wait are none of us going to talk about what steve said??? is he serious? after everything he still wants to interrogate spidey!!


thank you by the way thank you, you chased away spidey out of new york very helpful, if the crime rates have  rose 12% already in a coule of hours who knows how much it'll be in a week

its all our faults actaully we shouldnt have truned on spidey that fast# damn wyou avengers spidey come back

you guys are just sad just pure pure sad

i looked up from my phone and looked at the others "guys this might take some time" they all hummed in agreement

May's p.o.v

I feel like shit, I opened my eyes and I could see that I'm in some sort of hospital but not hospital I looked up and saw that my iv is now empty okay so whoever owns this place is an irrespossible idiot that's nice to know so I got up and looked around thank god they didnt put me in those awful hospital gowns but once I opened the door it was like a ghost town no-one was i walked around the confusingly large room until i found a phone and dialed peters number

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