4 days before the breakdown

834 39 6

Tony's p.o.v

" hey uh..um..kid I'm not-I-im not your gr-" I wanted to finish the sentence I really did but I could practically hear pep screaming at me for saying it so instead I said
" so where's your dad?"
" I'm not sure he said that he was going to leave me for a couple of hours and -*gasp*" i turned around and looked at what she was looking at it was spider-man I wanted to shut the t.v so I can focus on the random kid in my lab so but then she said " daddy!!!" I dropped the remote from my hands and stared at her with wide eyes just...how irresponsible is spider-man?

Peter's p.o.v

After saving the kids from the building I i practically had to tune out the negativity from the people around me god this is getting old i sat down near my ally roof and took of my mask and huffed at it it's not that bad tho for someone who basically made an entire suit in a couple of days it kidda does seem better then AWWW!!!  I turned around and I saw that an arrow hit me in the leg seriously?? Not the time for this I'm sleep deprived, starving to the point where my spidey sense apparently stopped working I wanted to say something but all I could say was

"Ughhh can we do this later"

" uh..what?"

" like can we play cat and mouse later I'm so tired and I just want to sleep man"

" you know that just makes it easier for us right?" I looked behind him but didn't see anyone

" us?" All of a sudden mr.captain america and mr.hulk came behind me I squinted my eyes at hulk

" did you seriously have to bring him? I mean not that I mind like hes really cool and stuff but can I like just take you on today? Like without mr.captian america and mr.hulk?" He scoffed at that

" kid no"

" howd you know where to find me anyways?"

" a random kid called in reported he saw you here" and god did it take me so, so much energy to nit screem right then and there

Madalyns p.o.v

Ok, ok who to call I stared at the phone for a moment, does? Does asgard have wifi?

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