acting dumb

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Madalyns p.o.v

i said goodbye to peter and then headed to my floor there where hundreds of people working together and making robots and stuff it makes me happy to see other people smiling and laughing while making there inventions then a voice cut me of 

"you Madalyn parker?"

"yes ma'm"

"your work station in on the top right corner you will be delivering coffees to floors and checking what we have and do not have and you can order then online"


"well what are you waiting for go!" huh i guess i dont have to act dumb after all

tonys p.o.v

i was so happy when peter texted the dream group i honestly did not expect him to be this excited i sense madalyn is also excited i think im going down to see her after i meet parker

he entered the lab and he did not even notice i was sitting on the chair right in front of him he just kept looking around the lab in awe and in wonder, i would help but smile

"like what you see" he then turned around and looked at me

"omg I'm so sorry mr.stark i had no idea you were here!"

"its ok kid don't sweat it"

"so i was thinking of working on something simple i want to test what you can do first'' then dropped a couple of old computer bits from the nights

"do whatever you want with them ill be back within an hour surprise me kid" I wink at him and left to the elevator to check up on madalyn but before i left i saw peter smiling like crazy

but then i noticed something

"hey kid"

"yes "

"take of that tie your to formal"

the elevator started closing but before it did i heard him say "there goes 20 dollars" i looked at him confused but by then the elevator already started going down

madalyns p.o.v

who knew delivering coffees can be so exhausting I've been to god knows how many floors what 15 wait was it 16? in the past 20 minutes i then landed on my desk and took a light huff 

"ughhhhh where is peter when i need himmmm!!!"

i then look at the window and see mr.stark looking at me shit this must be embarrassing i then go back into ordering the things we need but by then it was to late he had already entered the lab

tonys p.o.v

"hey kid"

"heyy mr.stark!"

"hows pete?"

"well i gave him some work to do"

"such as-"

"i gave him bits of an old computer and told him to make something out of it to test his abilities" i then see her smiling wildily 


"ow nothing.... i mean the fact that you gave peter bits of a computer to MAKE something..."

"what what's wrong with that"

"you basically gave him a birthday pressent" i then smile at that fact 

"he likes making stuff" i ask

"when are you going to learn that he is a smartass?"

he smiled i know i saw his stark internship sheet but...i mean she always says that he is so smart i think i might have underestimated him

"so what are you doing here?"

"ow questioning my authority? cant i walk in my own building i cann do what i want when i want" i said teasingly these kids are starting to grow on me

she rolled her eyes and smiled "yes i know you can but...i can tell that you'd much rather spend your time hangin with peter then come to the low-level lab interns" she pointed her pencil at me

"fine, i came here to check up on you and-"

'and-" i looked at her voice modulators

"where'd you get those?"

"ow these i found them but the screw was off so I just had to tighten it"

"huh impressive can i-"


she then handed them to me and I was about to walk bout when she looked at me confused

"kid don't worry im just going upstirs to make them stop sounding like siri all the time i don't want a  walking iPhone in my tower" she laughed 

odd i thought she was mute i shrugged it of and walked into the elevator i looked at the tech and it looked really advanced where would she find this?

peters p.o.v

its been almost an hour and i can't wait to show mr.stark i don't think its that great but hopefully, itll impress him he exited the elevator i was about to speak when i noticed madalyns voice modulators in his hands

"um...-"i pointed at them

"ow im just going to fix them so they could sound beter how is it going" i nodded

"well im done actually"

he looked at me shocked "already?"

"well its been an hour" his yes widened even more


"yup" I smiled and he smiled back

"well it litelry felt like 10 minutes your sister is very talkative so much for a small check up "i laughed at that because i relate sooo much with taht

"so" he clapped his hands "show me what you got"

i walked out of the way to show him in and he looked confused

"its its a ball?"

i smiled even wider

"press the button at the top"

tonys p.o.v

"its a ball?" I gave this kid computer parts and i get a metal ball?

"press the button atthe top"

i looked confused until i pressed it and a tiny iron man started to fly around the room peter then spoke

"karen 2.0 can you please show a holagram of the stark building"

"sure thing peter" the mini iron man flew next to peter and from his eyes turned on a holographic screen of the entire building

I was speechless the only thing that came out of my mouth was 

"holy shit" in a whisper

"kid you made this?'


"in an hour?"

"well i mean the battery is way too low it finished in about 30 minutes so you have to plug it back into the ball so it's not that modified"

"guess you smarter then i gave you credit for if that's even possible i mean you keep surprising me"i huffed "looks like were going to be here for a while" I then leaned on my seat and put my hands on my head his smile got even wider if  that's even possible 

Wrong Number KidOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora