care to explain?

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clints p.o.v

"guys when are we going to get to meet peter! "

"i know i want to meet him too but he's in tony's lab and it will be weird if we all just show up for no reason"

"easy for you to say banner your the one who already met the kid"

"ya but not personally"

"still counts"

"guys will you stop well get to meet him soon enough" cap yelled

(1 hour later)

"ughhh Friday wheres parker?"

'which parker?' i looked up confused

"what do you mean "

"There are currently 2 parkers at the building Madalyn parker and peter parker" holy shit!

"MADALYNS IN THE BUILDING???" i got up practically shocked at the fact but then i had the biggest grin on my face we have to go and meet her

"omg" Natasha whispered

"we have to go and meet her" cap said happily

"yes but not all of us at once" Natasha reasoned

"let's just make it seem like an incident" bruce said

"ill go first i can't wait to meet her god knows what going on in her mischievous mind" basically talking to myself while walking to the elevator

"ow hell nah you are going to go last" nat grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me back from the elevator as she and bruce walked in

"WHY???? "

"because you to teamed up god bless our soles about what might happen" I got angry about that excuse... its true but still an annoying excuse

madalyns p.o.v

i think my fingers broken I've been typing the mouse none stop buying random shit I know there going to break later so far no coffees have been ordered-ding-great just jinxed it!

i walked up to the elevator and asked Friday to take me to floor 86

and the door opened no one was there i was about to leave when i noticed one of the equations where wrong mabye i could-no-just correct it-NO-that shit will grab attention i practically was putting the marker on the board and then pulling it back for the past 5 minutes and when i decided it was to late i already solved it shit i thought to myself then i heard the elevator ding

shit! it started to open and i erased the answer as quick as I could

natashas p.o.v

I'm still happy bruce got the idea of the coffee when the door opened i noticed Madalyn erasing something from the board and immediately looking at us while putting the marker down

"u-u hi!  listen I'm sorry for touching your board just got curious"

"it's ok kid" bruce said in a calm voice

"so what's your name"

"ah my  names madalyn,madalyn parker" i tried to get her to shake my hand but she flinched away before she shook it  ill keep that in mind 

"but i have not met you yet you must be the famous black widow"

"huh i guess i am famous" she arched her eyebrows at me 

"for goodness sake, your basically like a role model to all the girls around the world and our school" i smiled at that she is so sweet

then she started making small talk until i did not even notice the time its been 2 hours

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