chapter 6 Troubles

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Hagon's mind is not in his work nowadays again he is feeling some different set of emotions in a good way

This is confusing him

It's been 3 weeks he started feeling like this

Sometimes he wondered whether his mate is alive

But how is this possible she is dead

He thought that his mind is playing games because of the loss

Meanwhile Oliver is meeting carol eneryday . Days are going fast and very soon it's one month

Carol liked him as a friend very much

Even grandma started liking him

She sometimes try to match make carol and Oliver but Oliver and carol strictly stayed in friendship zone

Oliver even told carol that he has a girlfriend and she is happy that he has a partner

She even sees him as a younger brother eventhough he is older than her

Every day Oliver spend with carol he is becoming over protective of her

Sometimes he doesn't even allow girls near her

People started talking rumours about them

Slowly some jealous girls start to give troubles to carol

They will lock restroom door when she is inside cleaning she has to wait for somebody to come and open the door

Slowly the severity of the troubles increases

These things are happening because of Lexie's encouragement

But Oliver is not aware of this(note: he is not following her since he trust her). Even carol didn't tell him about it. Problems comes to her like magnet.

Those who gives trouble to carol is heavily paid by Lexie

So lots of greedy people readily accepted her offer

These people will block her path so that she will be late to work and she will get scolding from Lexie

They will pour oil on the her way she will fell down and still she has to work heavily

Sometimes Lexie will extend her work timings and make her work hard as a punishment

Lexie enjoyed doing it.... she is a saddist who find happiness in torturing Carol....

She thought that carol might be Oliver's mate if he finds out her whole plan to take over the werewolf kingdom will be over in a mere seconds

She is a witch her whole family is a witch

They blocked their witch smell perfectly to live among werewolf in the mask of human

That's why her father brought her to the company from her childhood to get her familiarise the place and royal family

His plan is to seduce Hagon but unfortunately he found his mate very soon and still she tried but he didn't give in to her. So she made him feel like carol  is dead when she was in coma. That is the feeling which is haunting him for a long time. The spell is still there which is making it difficult for him to accept his mate is still alive. The spell will only break only when he touches his true mate. But Hagon doesn't even go near another female. So it's impossible for him to find his mate.

Only Oliver fell in to the trap but still they cannot fully make him fall for them he is still clear headed. He also has the same spell that to find his true mate he has to touch her.

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