Chapter 19 God and Goddess

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In God's realm...

A lady in white with golden crown in her head watching over everything that's happening in the human world.

She is very happy..... she atlast found a perfect pair to be the werewolf god and goddess. It's been 800 years she is ruling the supernatural world alone because of her mate's betrayal.

She once thought of giving the chance to the pair, but the girl married a human so she has to wait long for the perfect couple.

Hagon proved himself. He waited for his mate for very long time painfully. Even after he thought she died she didn't look for another mate. He even was ready to join her in afterlife. His love for his mate proved that he will look after all the mates so that they remain loyal. He also proved himself to be a great king. He provided for the poor and hard on the traitors. He will avoid wars and try to keep the world in peace so the innocent won't suffer.

Carol on the other hand even as a human she maintained positive attitude. Through all her troubles she was strong and overcome it on her own. Even without mate bond she loved her mate unconditionally. She almost sacrificed herself to save her loved one. She was kind and helped others without expecting anything in return. She was loyal to her friends. She also proved to be the best person to become the goddess.

But still they are going to undergo some more test. Then, after their worldly life they will become the moon God and Goddess.

The current moon goddess's mate was punished for his arrogance and betrayal.

He changed later to a good he was brought to the god's realm but the goddess is not ready to forgive him but her anger diminishes through years

It's already been 800 years now she is ready to forgive him and reconcile with him.

First she has to meet him. Atleast the remaining years they will both take care of the supernatural people.

Back to the world in Hagon's house.

Hagon doesn't know how he is going to convey this to carol and other. He also don't want to take risk on Carol's safety. He needs everyone's opinion how to handle the matter.

Carol is new to this supernatural world. He don't know how she is going to take this news. People may think it's not a big matter but white wolf is a big matter. It's a legend.

No one saw white wolf before. It's been more than 1000 years, people saw her. The last white wolf which appeared 800 years ago was locked inside the room till her death. They have only read of white wolf in history books which is written long time ago. So what it brings is still not known. So he has to be careful when informing the news.

Everyone was looking at the gift they have brought. Carol was playing with the baby Zane. They were all conversing about various things.

Hagon cleared his throat " I need to make a important announcement" he started

"Hannnn.... Carol shifted into her wolf 10 days back" he said. Carol nodded her head fastly confirming it.

Everybody congratulated her for her first shifting.

They all asked her to show them her wolf. Carol was more than happy to do that. She gave Zane to Stella and went in to the nearest room for shifting.

Hagon tried to stop her but no one listened. They blocked his path for her so that she could do without any obstacle.

Hagon tried to explain them. Nobody listened to him.

"Listen...." He used his alpha voice to make them listen.

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