Bonus chapter 5 Accident

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"Sis did you meet her." Nate asked

"Yes I met her. She is a sweet girl. She's been through a lot . I can see in her eyes." Annie said to him

"Do you think she will like me" he asked.

"I don't know but to get her you have to work hard Natty. She is not a easy target. She is hesitant to let people inside her life. Make me proud bro" she said and patted his back like a big sister. Nate sighed.

Nate started following Celine from that day. he went to the restaurant she worked. He stayed near the shop throughout the night. He will keep flowers or drinks on her table along with stick it note with heart drawing and love cards. He is doing it for almost two weeks. He wants to know her better.

Celine don't know who is doing this. She is little bit confused whether it is good or bad. She can only ask one person.

So next day at school....

"Annie someone is stalking me. He is sending me rose and love cards. I think somebody is playing with me. What should I do" She sighed and asked her.

"Oh Celine may be he is you admirer. He might like and want to go out with you. Maybe he is you soulmate." Annie wants to make that stalker brother look good.

"Oh Annie there is no soulmates in the world. I don't believe in true love." She said not wanting to talk about it.

"Celine you should believe me. Our family has. We meet our soulmates after we reach the age of 16. That's how I met my husband Mathew. He is my soulmate. So you also should believe that soulmates are real" Annie said as a matter fact.

"You are married at this age" Celine asked shocked.

"Do you think my parents and brother will let me alive if I am pregnant without getting married. We are not legally married but we have ceremony which is equal to getting married." Annie explained.

"What will happen if you didn't meet your soulmate." Celine asked.

"We will wait till we find them" Annie said thinking of something

"Really I don't believe people will wait for long" Celine couldn't believe that people will wait for their other half. Her father couldn't even wait till her mother give birth. He found another one to satisfy his needs.

"There are many who don't wait but there are some people who will wait like my brother who is waiting for 12 years for his mate" Annie said sadly.

"Really he is waiting that long."Celine found it interesting.

"Yes he will never allow other girls to even touch him. Many tried to seduce him but he didn't even looked at them. He will chase them away like dirt. He used to call her name in his dreams" she said thinking of her poor brother.

"What is her name " Celine asked eagerly.

That made Annie come out of her trance.

"That is for my brother to tell. It is his secret" Annie said.

"Yeah..... Your brother is a interesting guy waiting for someone who will not come" Celine said.

Annie didn't tell anything. She knows that Celine will realise everything in time.

That evening at the restaurant. Celine saw a tall handsome man sitting in the table which is hers to serve. She don't know what is happening but she found him attractive. She never find people attractive before. So she was little bit scared. 'Is he, her soulmate.' She thought.

Taking with Annie about soulmate affected her lot so she should avoid talking about soulmate hereafter.

Her mind is telling her to avoid him but her heart is telling her to go and talk with him. But it's her table to serve so noway she can avoid him. She took a deep breath and went towards the table.

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