Chapter 8 Family

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When  Oliver  brought Rachel out of the room she is half asleep

So carol ran towards her with worry

But Oliver told her that Rachel is alright and sleeping because he marked her and it's like marriage in human world but this is for life

Carol already knows these things from Rachel already so she followed Oliver since he asked her to

They went to Oliver's house first one to greet them and open the door is Oliver's twin sister Stella who is also the mate of 2nd beta Ezra Morgan. She is pregnant.

She saw Oliver carrying a girl protectively and looked at him confused

"Who is this" she asked

"This is my real mate"Oliver answered shortly running towards his room

He layed Rachel in his bed covered her with sheets and came out he has to answer lots of people

One thing he knew for sure is most of them will be happy because they tolerated Lexie only because she is Oliver's mate

"What happened" Stella demanded answer

All family members and friends has gathered because Stella called them even Hagon is standing among them.

His eyes are boring holes in Carol's face he can feel the pull but the spell made it impossible for him to realise it.

"Lexie is black witch....." Oliver started and explained everything to all the person available

"And this is carol my bestfriend. She is the one Lexie was giving trouble these days. Because of her I met my mate Rachel and I marked her" he finished

On hearing Carol's name they all turned their head and looked at Hagon but he is already staring at Carol

Carol is little bit shaken at the continuous attention of Hagon

Eventhough Hagon can feel some attractions towards carol he doesn't want anybody else other than his mate

So he just went back to his room like nothing happened

Oliver raised his eyebrows and gave a wicked smile to his parents

His mother understood his intention but she still not aware of spell. He has to tell  her to keep it secret

He asked Stella to show carol her room which is inbetween Oliver and Hagon

After she is settled comfortably

He explained how Lexie manipulated mate bond

They all still not sure whether Rachel is his real mate

So Oliver explained if Lexie is his real mate then she would have known that he has marked someone else

Now they all understood everything and believed Oliver

He also talked with them about his respect and protectiveness towards carol

They all accepted that they could also feel some family bond towards carol but they don't know why

Hagon's mother is very much delighted about carol being here

She knows that Hagon is suffering and he is dying inside

If his mate is alive that will save him so she will fully support and do whatever she can to make her son.... again.... her son

Yes He is not acting like how Hagon actually is. he is always sad and his eyes doesn't show any life

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